Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Mea Culpa, and Brief Notes on What the Trumpican Party Victory Reveals

First, as evidenced by the previous Post on this blog, I misjudged the thinking of the majority of the people here in my beloved Land.  I've always known WHY that majority is fed up with The Establishment and its Plutocracy.  On the socio-economic scale, the lower 80% of people here have been shafted for decades.  My mistake was in thinking:  by now surely ALL people would see clearly that Trump is a) not the one to save them; and b), he's a con-man who actually is in favor of the ruling Plutocracy.  I was wrong.

Here are just a few of the things the Trumpican Party victory reveals (in no particular order) ---

1.  Apparently, too many of us have been dumbed-down to the point where we no longer are capable of critical thinking.  In general, I blame our education system for that.  Mainstream Media also are at fault.  Have you noticed, for example, for many years young folks have been encouraged to skip a university education in favor of a vocational/trade school.  Such schools certainly serve a valuable function; however, their limitations need to be considered.  Generally, they don't provide a well-rounded education.  Yes, it's true you don't need a university education to get a good job; but such a higher education provides most students with a lot more than a job.  It broadens your worldview, and gives you skills in understanding what's important in life.  It does more, but I need to keep this essay relatively short.

2.  There also seems to be a serious problem with too many universities.  It appears to me that too many of them are more concerned with not offending some group or another rather than exploring ways to develop open minds and critical thinking.

3.  The mainstream, corporate faction of the Democratic Party is not paying enough attention to Main Street.  Worse, they are marginalizing the Progressives in their Party, the ones who are tuned-in to Main Street.

4.  The mainstream Dems who now rule their Party need to stop enabling Netanyahu's genocidal wars.  They should do so not only for obvious ethical/moral reasons, but also because they won't get Arab-American votes until they do.  [That's about 1.5 million votes. ]

5.  Trump realized a long time ago that if you repeat a lie enough times, then people will come to believe it.  He repeatedly lies/lied about immigrants, the economy, Democrats, any Republicans who oppose him, election integrity, crime stats, covid, the Media, etc., and all those lies have served him well.

6.  The Upper Crust of the Dem Party has failed miserably at showing people the urgency of addressing the existential threat of ecological overshoot, and the fact that Trump policies will increase the threat & the urgency by orders of magnitude.  Educational institutions, the Mainstream Media and others also have failed in that regard.  Perhaps they all have failed because they don't fully understand the Crisis, or they still may believe we humans have until 2050 to address the problem.  In any case, within ten years politics will not be uppermost in anyone's mind; but trying to find a degree of physical, mental, and economic comfort will be.

7.  Most people apparently are as in the dark about eco-overshoot's existential threat as is Trump and the Plutocracy.  Otherwise, they never would have voted an ecological ignoramus into office.  They would have known that such an action would be tantamount to eco-suicide.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, November 4, 2024

IF Americans have any common sense left after enduring decades of continual neoliberalism, then the 2024 election...

will play out like this--- 

1.  Due largely to young voters, women, people of color, Independents (41% of adult Americans are Purple, not Red or Blue), and the wisdom of many senior citizens, Harris will win the race.  Why?  Following are only some of the reasons.

2.  A majority of people are now wary of Trump's blatant lies, never-ending personal attacks on those who oppose him, total lack of statesmanship, ignorance of economic principles, espousal of violence, and his general negative and toxic demeanor.

3.  A majority of voters realize it's utter nonsense to blame a President or Vice President for overall INFLATION.  They know that the policies of the Fed Reserve Honchos affect the inflation rate more than any one person.  Interest rates are not determined by the President or VP.  The amount of "helicopter money" (basically created out of thin air by the Fed) dropped on all of us is not determined by the Pres. or VP.  Voters also know the Fed Reserve does not kowtow to the Oval Office.  [Remember how Trump once (while he was Pres.) denigrated the Fed Chairman for his actions?]

4.  A majority is aware of the rock-solid data showing that immigrants here have a LOWER rate of violent crime than those of us born and raised here.  Thus, Trump's constant claim of rampant criminality by immigrants is just another of his many delusions.

5.  A majority of people now see that Trump, if elected, will be consumed by revenge against his "demonic enemies" (his words), and such would not contribute to working toward unifying the country.  People are sick & tired of his divisiveness.

6.  Bottom Line:  IF (& it's a BIG IF) there's any common sense left in this country, then Trump will be defeated.  HOWEVER, here's one way he could steal the election (he calls it his "little secret")---

7.  End Note---  Trump has been telling Evangelicals that God saved him from assassination so he could be President (thus, it's God's Will).  Most of them appear to believe the same.  I'm a fairly open-minded guy, but I can't buy any of that.  It's narcissistic, manipulative hogwash.
Not only my opinion.  Happy Trails

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Trumpican (or perhaps, Trumpzi) Party completely replaces the once honorable Republican Party of long ago

History repeats itself:  the 1939 Madison Square Garden political rally and the 2024 MAGA rally at the same location.  At both times, the hatemongers promoted their racism, xenophobia, and ignorance to an audience seemingly in general agreement.

Trump or Vance probably will claim that the MAGA rally shows massive support for their candidacy.  As pointed out in one of the clips above, here's the truth:  the number of people attending the Trump rally compose only two-tenths of one percent of the greater NYC population.  Two-tenths of ONE percent.

A short time ago, Trump falsely claimed that "...200 million people [in the USA] support me".  Such a claim is pure, unadulterated nonsense.  It's a blatant lie.  In 2016, he lost the popular vote by about three million; he became President only because of the antiquated Electoral College votes.  In 2020, he lost the popular vote by about seven million votes.  He also lost in the Electoral College.  Plus, it's completely plausible that in both elections some/many people voted for him only because they liked his opponent less.

In 2024, 244 million people will be eligible to vote in our national election.  Common sense tells me no one person has 200 million of those people as supporters.  In 2020, a record 66.6% of potential voters turned out and actually cast a vote.  Usually in this country, only a tad more than 50% of voters participate by voting.  All the above suggests many citizens are fed up with the sorry state of American politics.  Nevertheless, it's likely that this year's election will result in up to 70% of eligible voters participating.  One reason why is below.

Between 2020 and 2024, the Trumpican Party upper crust (not, in general, Main Street Trump supporters) has demonstrated even more of a shift to hatemongering, xenophobia, racism, divisiveness, misogynism, and fascism/authoritarianism.  The majority of our citizens abhor such a shift.  Many previously nonvoters likely will decide to join in and vote it down.  [If it isn't voted down, then USA politics is in a sorrier state than what I once thought.]
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The High Tech danger you know little-to-nothing about, & Trump is a pawn in the whole scenario

How much do you know about Transhumanism?  The concept has been in existence for years and years.  With recent advances in A.I., it has started to advance in leaps and bounds.  Backed by a few physicists, several billionaires and others, Transhumanism is now on the brink of starting to change civilization forever.  For the most part, those changes will be horrendous for Main Street and Heaven-on-Earth for the Elites.

Politicians such as Trump and Vance are pawns in this existential game, and I doubt they even know it.  I imagine their supporters on Main Street are even less aware of what's going on.  By the way, this is NOT a "conspiracy theory".  It has been right out in the open for years.  YouTube has lots of pieces about it.  I think it has been ignored by most of us because it's so bizarre...seemingly impossible in our minds.  Guess what?  It's no longer impossible.

SUGGESTION:  read the article at the link above.  Then read it again.  Then do whatever you can (as long as it's legal) to wake up your political representatives to the need for A.I. legislation ASAP.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I'll bet a lot of people have forgotten this aspect of carbon dioxide

Including even elementary school students, by now we all know that CO2 is a "greenhouse gas".  There's another reason to be concerned about excess carbon dioxide in our atmosphere---

Sabine is a physicist with 1.48 million subscribers to her YouTube Channel.  She covers many interesting topics, and I appreciate her dry sense of humor.  This recent piece on CO2, Elon Musk, and Trump is quite good, and less than eight minutes long.

Even Musk, who is not up to snuff on most ecological principles, cannot deny this characteristic of CO2.  In fact, he supports concern about it.  Given many of his other views on ecological matters, that's a bit amazing.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Damage to both the ecosphere & democracy already being done by A.I. & the billionaires promoting it

CASSE's article at the link above is another of their MUST-READ pieces.  It's extremely well-written, interesting, smack-dab-on-the-mark, and relevant to everyone.  The author is Helene Langlamet.

Except for the short note to follow, I won't even attempt to summarize her provocative and accurate depiction of what's going on with information technology and AI today.

The information technology industry (let's call it Info-Tech) would like us to believe that it's going to save the world by using AI to solve problems.  Not only that, but it supposedly will do so with minimal damage to the environment...and no threat at all to democracy.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The damage and the threat already are beginning to happen.  Read the article.

We the People must convince politicians to regulate Info-Tech and AI applications ASAP.  If such does not happen, the danger to the ecosphere, democracy, and social justice is extremely high.  Read the article at the link above to see why.  It will take only five or so minutes of your time.  Please read it now.
Not only my opinion.  Best Wishes to Everyone

Friday, September 13, 2024

Muted, but STILL another shabby debate performance by a toxic narcissist

He was tragic, pathetic, ridiculous, & laughable in one 90-minute fell swoop.  Trump truly appears to be utterly delusional.  The top-level Repubs supporting him are making a monumental mistake.  A Party which long ago stood for honor, integrity, and the common people now is completely off the rails.

In addition, DJT's tariff increase proposal (which is more of an increase than any other in U.S. history) would increase price INFLATION - which now is declining - beyond the pale.  He's lying when he claims China would be paying for tariffs.  Consumers here would be doing it.

Finally, a reminder:  I'm not for Harris either, but she's orders of magnitude better than Trump.  [I don't care for her Gaza policy, her fossil fuel policy, or her lack of understanding of Sustainability.]  Neither major candidate is what we need to successfully navigate through the Meta-Crisis we're currently facing.  Clearly, though, Trump is the worst choice.  No doubt about it.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Mea Culpa, and Brief Notes on What the Trumpican Party Victory Reveals

First, as evidenced by the previous Post on this blog, I misjudged the thinking of the majority of the people here in my beloved Land.  I...