Thursday, March 17, 2022

Geographers Weigh In On Putin's War, Plus His Orwellian Doublespeak

It's an excellent commentary.

Putin never should have invaded, but supposedly felt threatened by the prospect of one more NATO country on Russia's border.  Then, too, it seems as though he's trying to rebuild the old Russian empire by taking back former states.  Finally, it's possible this fiasco is partially about resources.  Ukraine has a rich grain belt in much of its territory.  Russia has something similar, but I guess more fertile farmland never hurts...unless it's obtained illegally & immorally.

In any case, Russia's conduct of the war seems to be egregious beyond the pale.  Attacking noncombatants and nonmilitary structures during engagement in war never should be excused.  Whether he realizes it or not, Putin has lost tons of credibility.  That's also true because of his Orwellian language.  According to him, it's not an invasion or war, it's a "special military operation".  Apparently he believes people are stupid.

It must also be said that Putin isn't alone in the use of such lingo.  Many USA Leaders have called war and invasion by less harsh-sounding terms.  That started with the Vietnam War, which originally was referred to as the Vietnam "Conflict".  Congress didn't declare war, which is required by our Constitution, so that mess couldn't be called what it was.  Later and up through today, supposedly "War Powers Resolutions" legally bypass the Constitutional requirement for a declaration of war by Congress.  I hope most people know that's nonsense.

On his drone wars, Obama once commented, "It's not really a war...".  When you cross borders with war machines and kill people, that's a war, Mr. President.  To say it's not is ridiculous.  Bill Clinton referred to our invasion of Bosnia as a "peace-keeping" operation.  Perhaps it's arguable, but I believe our troops were sent to a war there.  The point is:  Putin isn't the only one to engage in doublespeak.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well
p.s.  The title of the painting below is "The Door to War".

"Don't Believe Him"

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