Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Robert Reich: Why the CONSTITUTION prevents Trump from running for high office in 2024, and much more

 This might be arguable, but it makes perfect sense to me; and for any new readers here, I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  I must admit, though, I believe Trump is not only incompetent for high office, but dangerous as well.  In my opinion, he's the worst President we've had in my lifetime, and I'm eighty years old.

Of course, we must keep in mind that about half the time our elected officials in the Fed Gov't ignore the Constitution, and do whatever is expedient in various situations.  If you don't think so, consider the following.  A few Laws passed by Congress clearly violate the Fourth Amendment.  FISA and the FISA Court violate the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.  The PATRIOT Act violates the Fourth Amendment.  In addition, the NSA - created by President Harry Truman, but not revealed to the Public until 1975 - absolutely violates the Fourth Amendment.  Many legal scholars agree with all the above.  So does the ACLU.

How can this be in the "Land of the Free"?  How are these violations permitted by We the People?  I think it's due to poor education, Establishment propaganda, and distractions via the Rat Race and "bread & circuses".  We the People have lost our vigilance because we're under-educated, over-propagandized, and too busy to notice the erosion of our freedom.  AND/OR - we've become apathetic because we don't believe anything can be done about the decades-long coup by the Corporatocracy.

Surely it's not that last item above.  People are waking up.  Worldviews are changing.  Peaceful change is underway in many areas.  Not much is coming from the Top down, so communities are making changes from the grassroots up.  Those changes are in agriculture, in employment, in consumption, in politics, in resilience, in ethics, and in lifestyles.  Because of all that, Oligarchs/Plutocrats seem to be a little more worried lately.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...