Saturday, September 18, 2021


 with General Wesley Clark & his son, Wes, Jr., & directed by Susan Kucera ("Living in the Future's Past", narrated by Jeff Bridges).  Too bad Clark Sr. wasn't elected President when he ran awhile ago.  It's on Amazon Prime, not the best production for a doc, but the content is on the mark.  It shows precisely why:
1.  the global financial world is so fragile, & why mega banks should be broken up ASAP;
2.  there's so much economic & financial inequality;
3.  most national gov'ts (including ours) are not seriously addressing Climate Change [only some cities & States in the USA are, & that's insufficient];
4.  mostly, the transformation to clean energy is going at a snail's pace;
5.  Climate Change already has started the destruction of the worldwide financial & economic systems;
6.  the new normal will involve mass human migrations never seen before;
7.  too many people apparently fail to recognize the paradigm shift in values which must occur if we are to survive & thrive in the future; and
8.  too many people are wrong when they believe that Tech will save us in time, therefore to them, there's no urgency about any of this, no need to drastically alter politics, the economy, or the financial system...much less our values.
I imagine this documentary is found not only on Prime, but elsewhere online as well.  Look for it if you really want to understand what's going on currently, and what's required to avoid complete catastrophe.  Off & on, I've been studying this for about 50 years (started in 1972 at Arizona State U.), so please believe this:  humans are facing the greatest Crisis in our history, and climate disruption is only a part of it.  The "experts" think we have until 2050 to mitigate the problem & thus avoid total societal breakdown.  In all probability, I believe that benchmark should be moved to the year 2035.  Why?  Because much more than climate is involved.  
It's time for all of us to take this seriously.  Much can be done on the micro scale, & much "lobbying" (of sorts) needs to be done on the macro scale.  Politicians will engage in window dressing efforts unless there's an outcry from the ground up.  History has proven such.
Best of Due Diligence to Everyone
p.s.  STEP 1:  stop believing the Edward Bernays style propaganda put out by most of the Powers-That-Be.  For example, it will take much more than Tech to avoid catastrophe.  Don't believe anyone who says otherwise.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well
NOTE:  After more than a year of being gone from this blog, I'm returning on a sporadic basis.  Why?  Because I appreciate the fact that, in my absence, many people visited this site even though there weren't any new posts.  Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the once-in-awhile future essays.

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...