Yessir, it's flat-out Orwellian.
I would disagree, though, that these Fascists are "Republicans". Republicans (before they dried up & blew away) believed in a Constitutional Republic. These folks are Trumpistas/Corporatists/ Fascists...a horse of a different color. Republicans didn't believe in Interventionism overseas, or shooting people in the back, or doubling/TRIPLING the Debt, or a National Surveillance State, or ignoring the Geneva conventions on war, or a host of other nightmares.
The Repub Party was hijacked a long time ago, even before Reagan. [The Reagan years almost tripled our National Debt, & essentially launched Neoliberalism in economic policy. Both Reagan & Thatcher joined in what was known as the "Washington Consensus", pure Neoliberal policy.]
"Pinochet's neoliberal policies came to be codified as 'structural adjustment', and Thatcher became one of structural adjustment's most enthusiastic promoters, not only for Britain but the world, popularising her approach with the slogan 'There is no alternative'. With Thatcher and the US president Ronald Reagan as its main boosters, and the World Bank and IMF as its executors, structural adjustment or the Washington consensus was generalised throughout the developing world."
The story is similar with The Democrat Party.
Carter, David Rockefeller, Brzezenski, & the Trilateral Commission created much of the philosophical underpinnings for Neoliberalism. The Trilateral Commission's 1st Annual Paper ("The Crisis of Democracy", book-length) proposed: the crisis of democracy was that there was too much democracy in the world. According to the scholarly authors (all supposedly "Liberals"), that had to be remedied if the Establishment were to survive. "The Crisis of Democracy" was published in 1975.
Today, the terms "Republican" and "Democrat" are nothing other than Edward Bernays style PROPAGANDA. The NEOconservatives & NEOliberals both started up in the 1970's (the difference between them is almost nil); they now rule much/most of the Western World. In practical terms, "Conservatives" & "Liberals" no longer exist; they've both either converted or given up & faded away.
With Trump & Crew, the Neoliberal/NeoCon Coup is now almost complete... and it's not a "conspiracy"; it's in plain sight. Meanwhile, the main worry of too many Americans is: when is the new I-Phone making its debut. Hey, maybe this next one will be able to fry pancakes. ![☺](https://mail.google.com/mail/e/263a)
And so it goes.
Not only my opinion. Be Well