In 1969, a song came out by the duo Zager & Evans under the title "In the Year 2525". All these years later, I see humanity going pretty much right where the song predicted. We humans just can't seem to live and let live; plus, we're being sucked into the abyss of technology at a breath-taking pace. It's de-humanizing all of us.
Now it's almost nothing for a President to talk about nuking 25 million if they're ants. I find it not only sad & tragic, but also puzzling...and in a devastating way, comical. As a species, our ignorance truly is beyond the pale. Unfortunately, and despite popular opinion here to the contrary, I believe Americans are the worst of the bunch. Our hubris on the world stage is absolutely matter which political Party is in power. We are so "holier-than-thou" that it boggles the mind. It's no wonder to me that 80% of the world's people think that the greatest threat to Peace is our Fed Gov't. That poll was taken a few years ago; now the number is probably up to 90% or more. My main solace in all that's going on today is that in 10,000 years none of it will matter one whit.
Nevertheless, Life really is fascinating in these weird times. 
Long ago, a Zen Master said, "Once you understand the true nature of Reality, the only thing left to do is to have a good belly-laugh.". I suspect that he was right.
p.s. "I feel much better now that I've given up hope." ~Woody Allen [That's funny!]
Bottom line: enjoy Life; it's short. We all know that, but on a daily basis I think we tend to forget it.
Not only my opinion. Be Well