Friday, June 10, 2016
Non-Democratic Democratic Party Elections and Republican Losers
Here's some food for thought regarding the 2016 elections.
1. As of the morning of June 10 (Friday), at least two million votes had not yet been counted in Tuesday's California Primary Election. Hillary Clinton "won" that election by about 440,000 votes... that is to say, she "won" it without at least 2,000,000 votes being counted. Do the math. How do we know she won... maybe, maybe not. Even though she's way ahead in the total delegate count, this situation matters because declaring her the winner prematurely adds to her campaign's momentum... perhaps falsely. It also may influence Superdelegates to the detriment of the Sanders campaign. Finally, it simply shouldn't happen... the election/vote count is not over. Is this democracy in action? No, this is closer to Fascism in action.
2. All over the country, people have participated in Primary Elections, casting their votes for the candidates of their choice. In reality, they are electing pledged delegates to a political convention. And yet, when that convention (for the Democrats) takes place relatively soon, 15% of the participating delegates will be unelected; they are the Superdelegates, the Party Elites. They had nothing whatsoever to do with the Primary Election process. No citizen voted for them in the Primaries. They will pledge to a particular candidate for other, essentially unknown reasons. Fifteen percent may sound small, but it's a significant number. Is this democracy in action? I think not. Instead, this is a goofy, non-democratic process concocted by the Democrats after the McGovern loss back in the early 1970's. The People chose McGovern as their candidate, he lost BIG-TIME, and the Dem Party hierarchy vowed that type of thing would never happen again. [In other words, they decided that the ignorant public cannot be trusted to solely select the candidate; they need help from the experts in these matters:] That's how Democrats wound up with 15% unelected delegates.
3. Add to the above the fact that there have been irregularities in the Democratic Party Primaries in several other States... Iowa, New York, New Hampshire... just to name a few. Add to that the very odd decision of the Democratic Party hierarchy to have very few debates and to drastically cut the number of participants in those debates early on in the process. Finally, there are the decisions of the Corporate Media to give the Sanders campaign the smallest amount of coverage of any major candidate... by a large margin. This despite the fact that he generated massive rallies and interest. It should be obvious that something fishy is going on here. [Attention "Conservatives": so much for the "Liberal Media" (who is more "Liberal" than Sanders?); they are Neoliberal, and those two categories are polar opposites. Wake up.]
4. As to the Republicans, it's fairly clear that the Republican Party hierarchy wants to lose the election in November. I've been following national elections in this great Land very closely ever since 1956. In all that time, there has never been a Primary season more mishandled by a specific Party than this one by the Repubs. The Democrats and McGovern came close, but this year & the Repubs get the cigar.
5. The moneyed interests want Hillary, and barring unforeseen events, that's who they're going to get.
Not only my opinion. Be Well
Obama's Now a Millionaire
Most of this is from a CBS News piece by Mark Knoller.
According to his latest Financial Disclosure Report, President Obama now has assets worth between one million and five million dollars. Comparatively speaking, his liabilities are a pittance. Since first running for office, his net worth has increased by 438%. [No wonder he thinks the economy is doing okay:] This is all before what is likely to be a lucrative book deal after his Presidency.
I'm certainly not against anyone becoming a millionaire...unless that happens while they are in high political office. Hello.
This is why politicians run for high office in the USA...unless they're already rich, in which case it's anybody's guess as to why they run. Perhaps their motives are noble, or perhaps they have a shadow agenda.
Not only my opinion. Be Well
Trump, the Judge, La Raza, and the Presidency
Again, I emphasize that I'm not a supporter of Clinton, Sanders, or Trump.
Below is a copy of my response to an email from a dear friend; embedded in her email was an article about Trump, Judge Curiel, and the militant protest group, La Raza. Apparently the Judge has some tenuous association with La Raza...although, that's not quite clear at all.
Here's what I think: Trump's comment about the Judge was NOT racist. Given the Don's stupid remarks about Mexicans, that comment about the Judge was common sense...something Trump rarely ever displays. Although, he should have said, "The Judge MIGHT be biased..."; he did say that about a hypothetical Muslim Judge, but I'm pretty sure he made it definite with the other guy.
RE: La Raza wants "U.S. land ceded to Mexico". True, but that's because IT WAS MEXICAN LAND decades before the U.S. Gov't stole it from Mexico in the mid-1800's. Before it was Mexico's, it belonged to Spain. [Of course, none of this considers the original holders of the land, the American Indians.] The U.S. Gov't is a latecomer in this line of theft. So your attached article would be more accurate if it read, "La Raza wants U.S. land ceded BACK to Mexico." I'm not saying that should be done, but that's why La Raza is "racist" (according to the article) & wants the entire SW back in the hands of Mexico. We took HALF their country in 1848...half. So, why would anyone be puzzled over the fact that some Mexican militants want it back?!
The whole Judge thing demonstrates one reason why Trump should never be President. Almost no one gives a damn about the Trump University issue, or the Judge, or anything about the case. But Trump keeps harping on it. The Media didn't bring it up first...he did. He has little sense of what's important & what's not.
What's even worse, you rarely ever know if he's telling the truth (or what he really believes) or not. For example, one day he said, "Wages here are too high; we need to lower wages in this country."...the next day (probably after his campaign manager told him that was a stupid thing to say), he said, "No, we don't need to lower wages in this country.", who knows what he believes.
It's sad to me to see so-called "Conservatives" flocking to someone like Trump. They should have flocked to Rand Paul, but you see, Paul believes in national defense... not national aggression overseas. Many "Conservatives" are so propagandized nowadays they actually believe that we have to attack everyone FIRST. That's called naked aggression. Every dictatorship in history that has done it had the same excuse: "We're defending our Homeland.".
Donald Trump appears to be purposely saying everything he can think of to guarantee his defeat in November. His fans think that will get him elected...that's because they believe their numbers are much greater than what they really are: about 20% of eligible voters. The Don fans also believe that Independents will join their ranks in massive numbers. Given Trump's stupid/naive/ridiculous comments on many different topics, they won't. If they don't like Clinton (& they shouldn't), they simply won't vote...or they'll vote for a 3rd Party.
It truly would be a miracle if Trump were to win in November. He has about one chance in a trillion. His supporters don't appear to get it: who gets elected at the national level is not determined anymore by voting... not really. [Most on the Left don't get that, either.] There are about a dozen ways that the State-Corporate-Financial Complex can derail the will of the People least a dozen. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the multi-millionaire Corporatist Clinton will win the November election. That's pretty much guaranteed. [The Democratic Party now consists of people (at the highest levels) who in the past would have been called Moderate (or even "Neoliberal") Republicans. Despite Propaganda to the contrary from some quarters, the political hierarchy in the USA---ever since the early 1990's---has moved way over to the Right on the old, now essentially meaningless political spectrum.]
Not only my opinion. Be Well
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Addendum to: "Corporatism Wins Again..."
According to the Wall Street Journal, Wall Street as a whole has raised $23 million for Hillary Clinton's campaign thus far. I ask you, why would the Financial Sector do that for a supposed Populist? [Likely answer: because she's not any kind of Populist.]
Corporatism Wins Again: The Primaries, Trump, Clinton, Sanders, and Voters
I'm not a supporter of Trump, Sanders, or Clinton. Even if any of their supposed Populism is genuine (& with two of them, I'm sure it isn't...with Sanders, I don't know), I don't believe it's possible anymore for a President to significantly change the rotten, corrupt State-Corporate System. I think all national elections should be boycotted. I mention all this only so you will know that I'm not biased in favor of any of the candidates.
Here's one way that Corporatists have hornswoggled much of the American populace in this Primary election. The night before the largest Primary election in the country (CA), the Associated Press and NBC both announce that Clinton IS the presumptive nominee of the Democrats. That's a message to the unelected Superdelegates: get on board with Hillary. It's also a message to Sanders supporters: you're wasting your time...stop being "spoilers". The fact is: even after the CA election, Clinton still doesn't have enough firmly pledged, elected delegates to be the Democratic nominee. I imagine she will get the nomination, but that will be due to the unelected Superdelegates. She has been courting them since her loss to Obama back when.
Here's another way that Corporatists have hornswoggled much of the American populace. Trump is a candidate who normally would be shunned by the Corporate Media...because of his narrow views, because he apparently has no depth regarding proposed policies, because he appears to have little understanding of anything governmental, social, or economic, because he trumps Dubya Bush when it comes to putting his foot in his mouth, in short--- because he isn't a serious candidate. The Corporate Media have embraced him (so to speak) because he's a money-maker for them. The President of CBS (or CEO, or something) smilingly stated that. That's why the Corporate Media have given him probably three times the coverage of any other candidate---Repub or Dem---in this whole Primary season.
People in the Shadow Government (a well-established concept by both the Right and the Left) must be tickled to death. Those Corporatists want Clinton as President. That's because she's a strong Wall Street, Mega Bank supporter and a fierce War Hawk & Perpetual War supporter. That means more money & Power for them. They know that Trump will be slaughtered in the November election. But even if he isn't, even if by some miracle he wins, the Corporatists won't care...he's one of them. They prefer Clinton only because Trump appears to be unstable, somewhat of a wild card. Most of the time, it's difficult to determine exactly what he really believes. The only thing they know for sure is that he's not any kind of Populist. That's good enough for them.
Not only my opinion. Be Well
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"Don't Believe Him"
The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump: repeat a lie over & over, and m...