is accelerating. https://www. wwJABxjcvUc&list=WL&index=90
The geologist, John Wesley Powell, predicted it well over 100 years ago, and tried to get Congress to mitigate it. Too bad they didn't listen; worse, they (in general) still aren't listening. This short clip is about geography, ecology, population dynamics, food, politics, and FRESH WATER availability.
It should be a much needed wake-up call for a paradigm shift in USA politics. Spread this video far & wide, and maybe there's a chance for that.
We are in dire need of a whole new bunch of politicians in DC. Most Repubs and Dems should be shunned. They are stuck in the past and have a myopic view of the mother of all existential crises - ecological overshoot. Not only that, but they also support and promulgate a destructive type of capitalism which is almost nothing like the capitalism of Adam Smith.
If we don't take all this seriously, then our kids and grandkids will be facing a fairly miserable existence in the relatively near future. Unfortunately, we currently (in general) are too distracted by bread, circuses, political dogma, and propaganda to fully appreciate what's needed for a brighter future. Most of us "can't see the forest for the trees". We're looking at only some parts of the whole, not thinking comprehensively or holistically. Those who believe it's all being (or will be) handled, or don't believe any of it is a significant problem, apparently are mired in ignorance. That must change if our progeny and their progeny are to have any degree of security and comfort in the near future.
Much can be done fairly immediately on the micro-scale:
stop drinking the divisive propaganda koolaid put out by Repubs & Dems;
kick out of office the stale, stuck-in-the-past, dogmatic DC politicians;
learn all you can about ecological overshoot;
[Note--- "I don't have any spare time for this" is something I hear regularly. Okay, but be aware: if you don't find or make the time, then your inaction contributes to a miserable existence for your progeny, most likely starting within ten years.]
forget about political for those who are ecologically literate;
as much as possible, stop buying junk products;
support laws which are ecologically sound (identifying same is not always easy);
believe almost nothing put out by the petrochemical industry and/or the politicians who are in the back pocket of that industry;
learn all you can about genuine sustainability.
"lobby" (so to speak) whenever you can for sustainability;
and there's much more, but I'm out of time. 

p.s. Think hard about the significance of the following to your family & friends: according to numerous legitimate sources, by or before 2040 large pockets of N. America no longer will have year-round access to fresh water. That is, such will be the case unless we make changes ASAP. The same applies to the world in general. If that doesn't motivate you to "make the time", I don't know what will. Most politicians are not dealing with this in any significant way; instead, they're greenwashing the water crisis. Additionally, my best guess: they aren't even aware of the soil crisis and how that will exacerbate the USA's soon-to-be food crisis. Finally, I doubt they're aware of the extent of the desertification of this country, how much it's advancing, and how such will affect us in the not too distant future.
Not only my opinion. Be Well