Saturday, April 25, 2020

Latest Numbers of USA & World COVID-19 KNOWN Cases, and Deaths

Numbers below are as of April 25, 2020 at 3:30 AM, Mountain Time, USA

Known cases--- 927,000
Deaths--- 52,400 (over one quarter of the world's total)

One to two days ago, known cases were a bit over 800,000; deaths were close to 50,000.  The numbers keep going up.  Nothing has peaked.

Known cases--- 2.79 million
Deaths--- 196,000

The total number of known cases (and deaths) keeps going up.
Unless someone is talking about a relatively limited geographical area, anyone who claims that covid-19 has "peaked" is wrong.  It certainly isn't true for our entire country.  The numbers keep going up.
Not only my opinion.  Stay Well

Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump Outdoes His Former Ignorant Statements

As reported on Democracy Now (today)---

"And then I see the disinfectant... knocks it [the virus] out in a there some way we can do that... by injection... inside [the body]... almost a cleaning."  ~ DJT

The above statement was toward the end of Trump's announcement about new research to be done on covid-19 by Homeland Security.  Perhaps it was more of his gaslighting, meant to confuse people.  Or, perhaps it was simply another measure of his utter ignorance regarding human biology in particular, and Science in general.  In any case, these kinds of outrageous announcements might encourage uneducated people who may be feeling desperate to try it on their own.  Hopefully, that will never happen.

In all my years of following American politics, I've never heard anything more stupid than this bit by DJT.  Absolutely unbelievable.  This is the man who has access to the nuclear war trigger.  Think about that.  Not only that, he's the man who asked, "Why can't we use them [nuclear weapons]?".

Shortly after The Don's imbecilic remark, Lysol issued the following warning:
"...under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion, or any other route)."

Even a four-legged donkey (or a puppet for the Financial Sector) should be able to beat Trump in the next election... that is, if there's any common sense at all left in the American people.

Not only my opinion.  Stay Well

With his recent ludicrous ideas, Trump is gaslighting again v=R5pgB4RMOKk When gaslighters get backed into a corner, one of the tactics they use to get free is this:  ...