Wednesday, January 24, 2024

MAGA should become MAMA: $50 TRILLION has been taken from Main Street

Mad about what?...trickle-down economics, that's what.

For a bit over forty years, the USA has encouraged/supported "trickle-down" economics.  It has been a resounding success...for the Super-Rich.  They mined the gold; and Main Street got the shaft.  There's nothing "Great" about such economics; but Trump thinks there is.

At the link above, a Time magazine article which explains all this is discussed/analyzed by Paul Buchheit, an economic justice author.  He does a great job in this opinion piece of showing how MAGA ignores the reality of the last forty years.

To put $50 trillion into perspective, let's compare the number one million to the number one billion in the framework of "time".  One million seconds (of time) = about twelve days, and one billion seconds = about thirty-one years.  As you know, the number one trillion = 1,000 times one billion.

Often the Upper 1% of income earners like to imply (or state outright) that they pulled themselves up the ladder of wealth by their own bootstraps (so to speak).  Taking the vast High Tech Industry as an example, let's look at what really happened.

In the beginning (the 1950's), High Tech development was funded almost entirely by taxpayer dollars via the Defense Department.  If it hadn't been for public money, which was massive for that industry, development would have been held back for who knows how long.  [Even today, significant government contracts are awarded to High Tech companies and other mega businesses.]  So, whose bootstraps?
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

More on: "Choices & Change on the Path to a Sustainable Existence..."

If you would like a free pdf copy, email me with the title, "Choices & Change".
Below is a list of major topics in the book---
  • why we're blind to the Big Picture regarding the "carbon pulse" (fossil energy), and what it will take to transition away from it;
  • why the pursuit of infinite economic growth must be abandoned ASAP;
  • our blindness regarding mineral requirements for a Green economy;
  • while "Going Green" is necessary, unfortunately the present approach by the Powers-That-Be is insufficient;
  • why we are not superior to and separate from Nature;
  • why our society must convert from high-energy use to low-energy use;
  • the complex feedback loop involving constant economic growth, which requires more energy, which then creates more complexity in society, which then requires more energy, which then creates even more complexity, etc. is ruining our habitat;
  • ecological overshoot is THE problem, but Powers-That-Be mostly are trying to address only the symptoms of that;
  • why there's a soil crisis, and the best choices for resolving it;
  • ditto for the fresh water crisis;
  • ditto for the food crisis;
  • why healthy ecosystems and biodiversity are the bedrock of our existence;
  • how factory farming is ruining agriculture, and the best choice forward;
  • what many people don't seem to understand about science;
  • what is "sustainability", and numerous examples of it;
  • the shift in our ethics which is necessary for humans to survive and thrive;
  • the propaganda coming from the Corporatocracy;
  • why the petrochemical industry must be reined-in;
  • why "The Market" can't solve the ill effects of Climate Change; and
  • what's needed for a bright future for us and our descendants.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Ecological Ignorance of U.S. Presidents REDUX

I posted the essay below a year ago; it's even more relevant now..........................

It borders on insanity that common folks in the relatively free countries (out of 9 total***) which produce & own nuke weapons aren't persistently calling for a ban on such weapons.  Even a number of high-ranking military folks, such as retired Colonel Andrew Bacevich, have stated nukes are unnecessary for the defense of any nation.
[***Many more than 9 "host" (or endorse) U.S. nukes]

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists now have their "Doomsday Clock" set at 90 seconds to midnight.

All our recent Presidents are in favor of so-called "lower yield, tactical" nukes.  Obama launched a 10-yr program (continued by Trump & Biden) to expand and upgrade our nuke arsenal.  Such action demonstrates an ecological ignorance beyond comprehension.

On top of all that, more production of nukes means more nuke waste (which produces ionizing radiation for thousands of years).  The waste we have already is temporarily being stored at whatever site generates it.  That's been going on since the mid-1940's.  There have been big problems, and they continue.

Ike's "military-industrial complex" rolls on, and very few people seem to care, or maybe they feel there's nothing they can do about it.  Here's something you can do about it:  And here's part of why you should,
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...