Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Sustainability: Start at the Village/Town/City/COUNTY Level

and -

Homo sapiens has been working on sustainability for planet Earth for at least thirty years or so.  Despite some progress (especially in Europe), we aren't close enough to where we should be.  National politicians all around the world seem to get side-tracked by neoliberal influences, which also inundate Main Street with "unlimited growth" propaganda.  So - often there's lots of hopeful talk at the national level, but action mostly becomes limited to kicking the can down the road.

The political Right here (in the USA) was co-opted decades ago, first by neocons, then by neolibs... and most of them on Main Street appear to be completely unaware of the coup.  They seem to think they're still in the "Conservative Movement".  That movement, started by Russell Kirk in the 1950's, is long dead.  The so-called conservatives of today are supporting an ideology which would be anathema to the original modern-day conservatives of the Kirk Era.  That ideology they're supporting is corporatist-globalist-neoliberalism, and it doesn't want to conserve much of anything, except for maybe Plutocratic Rule.  It's against Small Biz, anything rural, anything natural, and is working to utterly destroy Nature by  favoring infinite growth at any cost to our finite habitat.  Its goal is to have the entire world run by Big Biz Elites.  Forget family farms, the mom-and-pop corner store, and any kind of level playing field in the business-financial-economic-labor arena.  In general, neoliberals and the Super-Rich are against all of that.  

The kicker is this:  they finance most national political election campaigns.  That's why, in the USA, we've seen little progress toward sustainability over the past few decades.

The two links above show ways to get things rolling.  [Again, you have to copy and paste; the links are inactive.  As a Low-Tech or No-Tech person, I have no clue as to how to make them active.  Nor do I have the time to find out how.  I'm guessing Blogger makes them inactive in order to discourage people from leaving blogspot.  In my opinion, that's not a good idea.]

If I recall correctly, the Transition Movement (the 2nd link) started in the UK.  It is spreading to countries around the world.  Kudos!  From the ground up is the way to start, rather than from the top down.  The top won't budge much at all until the bottom level starts a groundswell.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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