Saturday, April 9, 2022

TRIBALISM: the Good, the Bad, the Beautiful, & the Ugly

The following is from the soon-to-be-published book, The Beginning of the Path to Human Extinction, and HOW TO GET OFF IT - Notes on a Paradigm Shift.

Ever since the beginning of Homo sapiens, we have adhered to the concept of tribalism. Even today, it’s a way of life among humans. It’s a philosophy and practice which more often than not provides solidarity, cooperation within the “tribe”/group, security, purpose, friendship, shared values, and stability. Modern-day tribes are numerous and varied. They are found in the arenas of religion, Race, ethnicity, economics, philosophy, nationhood, regionalism, vocation, academics, science, politics, ideology, and on & on. Often they overlap to one degree or another. A person easily can belong to more than one tribe. It appears, though, usually there’s one which is the most influential in a person’s life, and that can vary substantially from person to person. With any one person, it also can vary during different stages of an individual’s life. Unfortunately, there’s also a dark side to tribalism.

Hypothesis: one of the main causes of our social ills is the dark side of tribalism – intolerance of other groups, and arrogance relative to the virtues of one’s own group. Especially when members of any “tribe” feel threatened, those aspects spring forth. It may result from a perception or misperception that the group’s culture is slipping away or being assailed by some other faction. Prejudice follows, and discrimination. Social disharmony follows. Uncivil and unethical behavior follow. Sometimes, violence results. Intolerance and arrogance disrupt society in innumerable ways.

What can be done about it? What’s the solution to the problem? For centuries, probably for a few millennia or more, enlightened people have been trying to promote this idea: the most important human group we all belong to is Homo sapiens. [Not only that, but the most important planetary group we’re in is the Web of Life.] Relative to their efforts, some progress has been made… but not enough. One even could argue that for the last fifty years or so, we’ve been regressing.

For us to survive and thrive as a species, every one of us should look deep within and make a herculean effort to overcome intolerance. Such would involve countering the indoctrination we may have received from parents, other family members, friends, groups, institutions, and the like which has shaped our worldview. Entertain this probability, or at least, this possibility: in general, we humans have become a massive number of specialists in various ways. Apparently, to some degree we’ve lost the ability to think comprehensively about each other and our habitat. That seems to have resulted in many people developing a fear of losing their way of life, their culture. Intolerance grows in such a scenario, perhaps even hate.

For all their good works and best intentions, even religions at times exacerbate the situation. All across the spectrum, political groups often do the same. To be an ethical human, one has to look deeper than the surface of institutions and their ideologies. There’s a fine line between “truth” and opinion. Even some theoretical physicists have stated: we humans barely have scratched the surface of Reality. We don’t know nearly as much as we think we do. Question everything.

Bottom line: intolerance and arrogance increase the chances of a miserable human future, and ultimately, human extinction. That’s a well-founded opinion. In your own life, be rid of the dark side of tribalism. Then humans and the entire Web of Life have a great chance to flourish.


Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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