Below is an email I sent recently. The things described apply mostly to the USA. Many other Lands are on a better track.
Our Gov't has defined "Recession" for decades, & by its own definition, we're in one. Nevertheless, Biden & several other national politicians deny it. 

This is so typical of national politicians. They can't face the consequences of a Boom-Bust, unsustainable, highly polluting economic system, aka, neoliberal capitalism...or simply, neoliberalism. So they deny the facts.

The Repubs are blaming the current Administration, but Repubs are as much (or more) to blame as the Dems. They all spend beyond the means of the Gov't. They all (with very few exceptions) adhere to a system which shoots for infinite "growth" in a finite habitat. They all push for overconsumption and ecological overshoot. Some truly ignorant guy has a book out in which he claims the USA should aim for a population of one billion...because we have lots of empty space in our land.
Oh lawdy momma! A lack of common sense abounds. v=HB97iwcm_Qc&list=WL&index=78 [If you absolutely are intolerant of "bad" language, then perhaps you shouldn't watch this very funny & tragic clip by Bill Maher.]
It has been estimated that if all countries consumed energy & goods at the current rate the USA does so, five planet Earths would be required to sustain world population. And yet, it seems most Americans believe such overconsumption is "normal", "good", & beneficial for us. Good grief! This is why I keep saying a paradigm shift in our worldview is necessary. Without it, our future will be dystopian...& that already has started. Those who deny it are either uninformed, or burying their heads in the sand...just like the politicians in the 1st paragraph above. Wake up, folks: the Crisis isn't looming anymore; it's here now. We have about ten years or so to change course...perhaps less. Let's opt for sustainability. Other than "Greenwashing", politicians won't do it unless we demand it.
Everyone Take Care