Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Individual Income Tax and the IRS

Some people may not be aware of this---

Many years ago, Melvin Belli (the famous attorney) attempted to locate the law requiring most Americans to pay an unapportioned direct tax on their compensation; he did so because a man by the name of Conklin offered $50,000 cash to anyone who could show him the law. Belli came up empty.

Ex-IRS agents Sherry Jackson and Joe Banister more recently attempted to locate the law, because the We the People Foundation also offered $50K to anyone who could locate such a law. Both Jackson and Banister came up empty.

As a side note, eight Supreme Court rulings (none of which have been reversed) between 1918 and 1923 concluded that the word "incomes" in the Sixteenth Amendment meant "gain from corporate activity" and that the Amendment "conferred no new taxing powers" upon the Fed Govt. [Example: Doyle v. Mitchell Brothers Company, 1918.]

Disbelievers ask, "Why, then, has the Individual Income Tax not been thrown out?" The answer is simple: other than Congressional action, the only way to do that is to file a court case. Judges will not allow it to proceed----"frivolous", they maintain.


In 2002, HR 2525, entitled, The Fair Tax Act, began with these words, "Congress finds [emphasis added] that the Federal income tax: (1) retards economic growth and has reduced the standard of living of the American public; (2) impedes the international competitiveness of United States industry; (3) reduces savings and investment in the United States by taxing income multiple times; (4) slows the capital formation necessary for real wages to steadily increase; (5) lowers productivity; (6) imposes unacceptable and unnecessary administrative and compliance costs on individual and business taxpayers; (7) is unfair and inequitable; (8) unnecessarily intrudes upon the privacy and civil rights of United States citizens; [emphasis added] (9) hides the true cost of government by embedding taxes in the costs of everything Americans buy; (10) is not being complied with at sati sfactory levels and therefore raises the tax burden on law abiding citizens; and (11) impedes upward social mobility."

Regarding point # (8) above, the Fourth Amendment guarantees that we shall be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects unless a proper, lawful warrant is issued to seize something specific. In the 1950s, the outgoing IRS Commissioner, T. Coleman Andrews, made a speech in which he said that enforcement of the Individual Income Tax violates the Fourth Amendment---because the amount of your income is no one's business but yours. In addition, every time you sign a Form 1040, "under penalty of perjury", you are waiving your Fifth Amendment right to protection from self-incrimination. No sovereign individual should be forced to waive his/her Rights.

Highly recommended: --- the first video is the one at the next link (below). --- available for purchase (may be viewed for free above at --- left side of page, under "Video Archive"--- Income Tax, a series of short (two minutes or so) videos on the Individual Income Tax.

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...