Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Here's precisely why...

 everything must change.  This is the most erudite presentation on the human predicament I've ever heard.  Topics include:  the current socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis, politics, energy, ecology, metaphysics, spirituality, future possibilities, the USA, France, history, philosophy, solutions, and more.

The human condition (and that of our world) in a nutshell:

Even if you have to watch it in 5 or 10-minute stages, don't miss it.  Even if you disagree with a portion of it, continue on.  Don't assume the remainder won't be valuable to you.  I'm about 99.99% sure that it will be.  [You might want to turn on the captions.]
Be Well

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Biden's response to the climate emergency is a tragic joke

Follow the science, Mr. President, and that doesn't mean only the medical science.  I'm sure you've heard of physics, climatology, and ecology.  Dr. Kalmus explains what they are telling you in the essay at the link above.  Pay attention!

Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, July 31, 2023

PFAS all should be banned by Law

They're everywhere; and now, also in most all human blood.  The chemical industry claims some are safer than others, but where's the proof?  Below is a must-see clip, and below that are my notes.  [Sorry, no time to write them out in proper sentences.]

per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - a few thousand different ones - in Teflon, Scotchgard, fire retardant fabric, cosmetics, paper plates, fast food containers, ski wax, guitar strings, & many other products.  Liver damage, cancer, endocrine/hormone disruption, neurological damage, & more.  "Forever chemicals" which bioaccumulate.

DDT was banned in the USA.  So were CFCs and PCBs.  ALL PFAS should join that club.  Wake up, politicians.  Stop kow-towing to the chemical industry.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...