Saturday, December 18, 2021

Humans are the problem, not carbon.

The carbon cycle---

NOTE:  At the link, be sure to read the Key below the diagram, and be aware that the "purple" numbers (fluxes in gigatons of carbon per year) appear to be BLUE.  At least, on my screen they do.  Then go to the upper right and expand the diagram so it takes up the full page.

Life on Earth is carbon-based.  It's an element without which we wouldn't exist.  The problem is that we are overloading a natural cycle, and thus committing species suicide.  Most of us are aware of this, right?

So, the question is:  why aren't the Powers-That-Be AND Main Street folks doing more to mitigate the problem?  Why, for example, are more & more drilling permits being issued for fossil fuels?  We should be phasing out such fuels rather than finding more to burn.  Why are we talking about 2050 instead of 2030?  In 2021, why isn't coal ancient history?  Are those (in particular) in the Upper Crust taking all this seriously, or are they trying to put it off onto the next generation?  Is "greenwashing" the flavor of the day?  Arguably, it seems so.  Ditto re this:  is the Rat Race of unlimited growth & overconsumption still ruling the day?  [Or is sustainability?]

There are a lot more "why?" scenarios, and they have little or nothing to do with climate disruption.  This Crisis upon us NOW is multi-faceted, all the various parts are systemic, and the whole ball of wax constitutes the greatest existential threat humans ever have faced.  Politicians of all stripes seem to be either ignorant of most of the overall problem, or coming up with solutions which tinker around the edges of it.  The same is true for most of the moguls of Big Business.

Solutions are known.  History and research have shown us the way.  By the end of January 2022 (hopefully), I'll have a short book out which will summarize both the problems and the solutions.  The only thing standing in our way is the mindset of some people.  If we don't solve this, Mother Nature will.  The latter already has started, but it's merely the beginning.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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