Friday, June 28, 2024

The Biden-Trump Debate made several things crystal clear

1.  Even at this late date, Biden must step aside.  He's not up to the task of beating Trump or being President next year.
2.  Almost every sentence from Trump is a blatant lie.  Worse, it seems likely he actually believes those lies.  He's some sort of mental case.  [Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist, has so stated such multiple times.]
3.  High level Democrats must step up NOW and pressure Biden to bow out.  There are several better qualified people who could run.
4.  High level Republicans must stop backing a serial liar who also is a full-blown, wannabe fascist.
5.  Neither Biden or Trump understands how mainstream economics (neoliberal econ) is ruining our economy for people on Main Street.
6.  Regarding foreign policy (particularly re Gaza), both men are a disaster.
7.  Every Main Street Democrat and Republican must now pressure their respective elected officials to dump Trump and Biden.
8.  Because number 7 above most likely won't happen, every voter must seriously consider either a protest vote in November, or boycotting the whole sham.
9.  Biden is weak and impaired (most likely, so is Trump, but usually he hides it fairly well) and Trump is mentally "off his rocker".
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Here's one reason Trump plainly is ignorant of crucial matters, and why HISTORY is important

NOTE:  I'm not in favor of Biden for President, either.

Showing his lack of wisdom and ignorance of economic history, Trump has floated a Trial Balloon proposal regarding the economy.  To be fair, I suspect not many people on Main Street are aware of this particular bit of history; but someone running for President should be aware of it.

A number of people have referred to DJT's proposal as:
the "worst economic proposal in U.S. history".

The clip is only twelve minutes in length, and I think quite interesting.  Everyone should try to catch it, and especially those who (for some baffling reason) continue to believe the almost constant stream of Trump's blatant lies.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...