Friday, November 11, 2022

Rickards, Monkeys, Economists, and Complexity Theory

Jim Rickards has a Master's Degree in International Economics, and his analyses have been mostly on the mark in the past.  In this 13-minute clip, he explains WHY the next financial crash (which is overdue) will be "horrific".  The presentation has some good chuckles, and his reasoning makes a lot of sense.

He talks a hundred mph, so you have to listen carefully.  Most economists will not like the content, but they mostly deserve his characterization of them. ðŸ˜Š
Here's a brief overview of complexity theory.  Don't miss the last half.  Complexity theory is the key to an "emerging post-Newtonian paradigm" which finally is providing a holistic approach to the analysis of complex systems in both natural and artificial arenas.  The short clip below is the best introduction I've seen so far to a truly innovative and revolutionary subject.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The canary in the coal mine...

 is silently screeching...just before it's gone---
Please spread the note below far & wide--- 
In about 10 years or so (maybe less, maybe more), none of the current crazy politics will matter.  WHY?  Humans will be spending most of their time trying to survive the multi-faceted Eco-Crisis.  Multiple millions of people will be migrating, trying to find a livable habitat.  Even those not migrating will be suffering as never before.  Because of trophic cascades and feedback loops in the ecosphere (already started), as well as no truly significant mitigating actions by humans at the required scale , it will be an unprecedented catastrophe.  
People finally will pull their heads out of the sand & wake up, but it will be too late.  OR, they won't wake up & instead remain in the dark while blaming the Repubs...or the Dems.  Such is the degree of ecological ignorance in the USA today.  The dark side of tribalism (along with the Plutocracy) wins, & the prize is an unmitigated disaster.

Finally, it isn't only climate that's an existential threat to humanity.  There's the water crisis, the soil crisis, the disease crisis, the food crisis, the ethical crisis, the biodiversity crisis, and several others.  They're all systemic and deeply interconnected.  So, what can be done that isn't being done?

Once again, here's my contribution to solutions---
Not only my opinion.  Take Care 

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...