Monday, May 27, 2024

A two-minute video from the UK on "Nature"

 This is "tongue-in-cheek", but certainly right on the mark regarding the importance of the natural world.

Of course, there are several more benefits of Nature in addition to those mentioned in the clip above.  Here are just a few---
1.  Healthy forests stabilize and fertilize soils.  Such happens both in the forest and downstream from it.
2.  Both macro green plants and microbes have provided us (and continue to do so) with life-saving/life-affirming  medicines.
3.  Billions of friendly bacteria exist in our gastro-intestinal tract.  Without them, we would not survive.
4.  Wetlands filter water and help reduce flooding.
5.  Birds, bats, some insects, and several other animals (e.g., frogs and toads) eat crop-destroying insects.

Too many neoliberal, mainstream economists and technocrats believe our economy is above, beyond, and superior to Nature.  The same is largely true of most people in Wall Street Finance and Banking.  They all are dead wrong.  All human activities are a subset of, and embedded in, the natural biophysical world.  The opposite view has resulted in the current Meta-Crisis.

We must stop electing people to political office who are Ecology-Blind.  If we don't, their blindness will continue to threaten organized human civilization.  Further degradation of the natural world will negatively impact our health, our food, our water, our air, our economy, and our overall well-being as never before.  Time is running out to reverse that course , and there's no greater priority.  Many people (on the micro-scale) are acting responsibly and getting on board.  We definitely need that, so KUDOS to them; however, too many politicians (on the macro-scale) and private Powers-That-Be in too many countries (including the USA) are stalling, and kicking the can down the road.

There is no comprehensive Plan to convert to a sustainable society in any country on Earth.  Bits and pieces, yes, but no holistic approach anywhere.  At least, I've not seen any, and I've searched diligently.  In my next post, I'll show you a Plan which could be a good starting point.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

"Don't Believe Him"

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