Below is my response to an organic farmer friend who responded to the last blog post here with the statement that our country is a Republic, not a Democracy. [I did some minor editing...nothing important.]
Precisely. Too bad 99.99% of politicians keep saying it's a democracy, trying to deceive & abroad. Telling people that in America every vote counts. It's plain that's not true.
I don't know why folks in CA even vote: Trump was declared the winner long before all the CA votes were counted... fully one-third of those votes had not been counted when the Don was announced as winner... and there were uncounted votes in many other States as well. Every vote counts, my ass. Politics & politicians are despicable. Now ask me what I really think.
[It's a rhetorical statement:]
Despite the propaganda to the contrary regarding Anarchism, what would be better is Anarcho-Syndicalism---an organizational form of direct democracy... and have it go all the way up to the national gov't level. Then every vote would count. Of course, we'll never see that in our lifetime. [Oligarchs would be the big losers, even though property rights still could be protected.] The majority of Main Street Americans probably don't even know what Anarchism really is; I'm not criticizing them, just stating a fact. All they know is the propaganda saying it's chaos & destruction. Not true at all.
Apparently, we'd rather stick with the "Meritocracy" concept. When that term first was coined, it was in a negative, disparaging way... as it should be. It bespeaks elitism loud and clear. At that time, it meant not only selection of rulers based on merit, but also based on membership in the aristocratic class.
Not only my opinion. Be Well