Thursday, August 22, 2024

Democrats and the Meta-Crisis

Senator Warnock (Dem from Georgia) gave a great speech at the Dem National Convention in Chicago.  Parts of it touched me deeply.  Nevertheless, I've seen nothing anywhere which convinces me that mainstream Democrats (Biden, Obama, Harris, Schumer, Walz, Pelosi, etc.) fully understand the ongoing Meta-Crisis or how to address it.  The very few Dems who do (still not fully, but way above the mainstreamers) are not mainstream, and have been marginalized to the hilt (Sanders, Warren, AOC, Omar, Jayapal, Barbara Lee, Ro Khanna, etc.).  And time is running out.

Do the Democrats understand the Crisis (in general) better than the Republicans?  Yes, apparently so.  Despite that, their grasp of the Crisis falls short of what's needed to navigate through it.  Such is the case mostly because of what appears to be a lack of Systems thinking on their part.  They tend to put each of the various aspects of our predicament into a separate "silo" (so to speak).  Deeply connected parts of the Crisis thus become separated when "solutions" are considered.  [An example is in the next paragraph.]  Most likely, the result will be a series of incomplete (or failed) responses.

Currently, the "Big Kahuna" being dealt with (barely) is Climate Change, a symptom of Ecological Overshoot.  For the most part, it has been placed in its own "silo".  Biodiversity Loss, also a symptom of Eco-Overshoot, is in another silo and is being given short shrift.  Its connection to climate disruption, soil degradation, preventing the spread of disease (pandemics) and more doesn't appear to be under consideration.  There's a lack of holistic thinking and synthesis in such a "silo-ing" approach.  Biodiversity Loss is every bit as important as Climate Change when it comes to responding to the human predicament.

The Green Party fully understands the Meta-Crisis, all aspects of it - sociological, ecological, economic, and ethical.  Those candidates should be elected, but won't be... mostly because Americans (in general) are ecologically illiterate.  [That statement is not an insult; it's an observation.  I'm illiterate about lots of things:  medical surgery, business management, particle physics, auto mechanics, etc.; there's no reason to be insulted about that:]  Plus, there's the unrelenting propaganda from most Republicans, Oligarchs, and Plutocrats.  
C'est la vie
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Sunday, August 18, 2024

MORE idiocy, mostly from politicians

1.  As the Biden Admin bemoans the continuing excessive killing of civilians by the Far-Right Israeli Leadership, $20 billion more in military hardware for Israel has been authorized...with no conditions attached.  [It's true some of that hardware - F-16 fighter jets - won't be available until 2026; however, bombs-missiles-and other munitions probably will be shipped in less than a month from now.]

2.  Trump appears to be melting down.  His gaslighting tactics - lying, accusing his opponent of actions which apply to him, constantly changing the subject when backed into a corner by logic & truth, egregiously insulting people, making unsubstantiated claims, etc. - are not having any significant effect on his opponents.  He seems to be baffled by that, and as a result, when speaking publicly he rambles, whining about different things and spewing out topics which have little-to-no connection to one another.  He's now the confused, old man in the race.
3.  Spokesmen for the Israeli military claim everything is being done to avoid civilian deaths in Gaza.  "Everything" includes evacuation orders.  The problem is:  every place refugees evacuate to is attacked, and often without warning.  In a recent bombing of a school, over 100 people were killed.  Many of them were blown into so many pieces they were unidentifiable.  [Source:  the independent news show, Democracy Now!]  Israel says 31 Hamas members were killed in the attack.  Do the math: over two-thirds of the victims were civilians...including CHILDREN.

4.  Not too long ago, Elon Musk claimed Earth could support 80 billion people.  Such thinking is completely devoid of ecological knowledge, and is both delusional and idiotic.

5.  Most of the top Democrats in DC oppose the Far-Right Trump Crew in the USA, but back the Far-Right Extremist Netanyahu in Israel.  That's idiocy.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...