My abstract painting is taking more and more of my time, so somewhat regrettably, I must cut way back on posts to this site. Apologies to all, especially the new folks who recently joined/visited. You may wish to utilize this website's Search function and seek posts with the following terms: corporatocracy, or constitution, or republic, or globalization, or fascism, etc. I'm especially pleased with the three-part series on Globalization; that took a lot of work, and I believe it contains much valuable information.
If you care to visit, my new website is:
I've had a passion for art for several decades now, and because "Tempus Fugit", it's now that I must pursue it wholeheartedly.
Sincerest thanks to all for your support and kind remarks relative to Individual Sovereignty. From time to time, I'll try to squeeze in a post here...especially when the actions of the one-party corporatocracy are so outrageous that they beg for a scathing comment or two. (I know, that's almost every day.) :)
Be at well.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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"Don't Believe Him"
The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump: repeat a lie over & over, and m...
A fellow by the name of Vance was held in a U.S. secret military prison, in solitary, for 97 days. He was allowed no attorney, no contact wi...
What is below should not be construed as legal advice. I am not an attorney or a para-legal. With some research and my past experience as a ...
PBS Frontline has an online video that is a preview of a full piece airing later this month , Obama's War . The preview is gritty, wit...