Saturday, July 8, 2023

Suggestions for helping to mitigate the socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis of the Ages

 In the spheres of---

1.  Regenerative Agriculture...
Support and work with The Land Institute.  Here's a letter/email being sent by supporters to legislators in the USA  (modified for something similar to perennial grain, the letter campaign could be done in other countries as well)---

As you consider the appropriations bill to fund the USDA for fiscal year 2024, I want to request that you: appropriate 7 million dollars to the USDA for Kernza research.

The cultivation of Kernza® perennial grain for human-edible grain, livestock forage, and conservation plantings offers the potential to create new income streams for American farmers, diversify cropping systems, sequester carbon, and support healthy ecosystems in rural communities. Kernza is the first commercially viable perennial grain crop in the world. American researchers, millers, bakers, brewers, food companies, and farmers are paving the path for this ecologically-friendly cropping system to become a major food and forage crop. There is a strong and urgent need to support ongoing work now to foster this growing community of stakeholders.

With an appropriation of 7 million dollars to the USDA in fiscal year 2024 for Kernza research, you will directly support government, academic, industry, farmer, business, and non-profit partners who are invested in seeing increases in yield and acres planted for this perennial grain, growth in our nutritional information for producers, and a holistic understanding of the ecosystem service benefits that Kernza can provide.

2.  Fashion...

Boycott so-called "Fast Fashion".  Here's an excerpt from my still-in-progress second book (on sustainability)---

Examples of Activities/Practices/Institutions Lacking Sustainability

The So-Called “Fast Fashion” Industry

This worker and ecology unfriendly industry makes poor quality clothes, produces them at an extremely rapid pace, and sells them at super cheap prices. It appeals primarily to young people (usually between ages 18 and 24), and marketing takes place to a large degree on social media. Buyers don’t expect the clothes to last much longer than about a month or two, or being worn perhaps ten times. Then they wind up in a landfill...tons of them. Buyers don’t mind the short lifespan because they’re pressured on social media to constantly wear something new with a different design.

In general, workers at Fast Fashion factories are treated much like cattle, and are expected to work long hours, sometimes twelve hours per day. This happens in China, where the industry first took root, and in several other Asian countries. Reports by documentary film makers indicate that finished products from these places sometimes are contaminated with lead-based pigments. On social media, buyers are told to wash the clothes before wearing them. Apparently they believe such action totally eliminates the risk from toxic lead. It does not. In addition to long hours, workers also endure low wages, unsafe conditions, and sometimes physical assaults and sexual abuse. The industry is an egregious disaster.

A company by the name of Shein (pronounced she-in), which was founded in China in 2008 under the name ZZKKO by a U.S.-born Chinese American, is now the top dog in the industry. It’s a $100 billion company. All from junk clothes.

The entire Fast Fashion industry should be boycotted/shunned. It’s an insult to civilized society, its factory workers, and Mother Earth. I hope everyone chooses to boycott it.

3.  Other junk products:  get on board with this movement...

"Comfort junk" is much like "comfort food".  Junk often looks good and seems satisfying, but such does not necessarily mean that it's good for you.  For one thing, it doesn't last.  You have to replace it about five to ten times more often than you normally would if it were durable.  And yet, we keep buying it.  Thus, too much waste keeps being dumped into the ecosphere.  We're already way over the amount Nature can assimilate, and it just keeps getting worse.

Here are two more things everyone can do to help our journey to sustainability. Whenever possible, BOYCOTT ALL junk.  If that involves a change in lifestyle, so be it. Our biophysical, natural support system cannot take ever-increasing amounts of waste without serious consequences to us and all life. SUPPORT laws and regulations (which are starting to spring forth) that combat planned obsolescence.  See the online article at the link above.  This is a nonpartisan issue through and through, so personal Party politics should not restrain you.

We are in the Crisis of the Ages. I propose the following hypothesis: the Crisis (in general) is manifesting itself as a philosophical battle between Modern-Day Naturalists and Mega Corporate Technocrats. It’s monumental, and it affects every single one of us. The needed solutions to our problems are known. We must choose to implement them, but the ongoing battle seems to be preventing implementation at the required scale.

4.  Economics, ecology, & in general:  join (or at least follow) one or more of these organizations...

MAHB - Stanford University

 [ Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere] [International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons, 2017 Nobel Peace Prize winner]

They all are doing significant work for the implementation of sustainability on planet Earth.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Mother Nature has been sending the world a message re getting back to "normal"

 Unfortunately, it appears too many of us aren't understanding it.
Here's the message---
"Your 'normal' is gone, and it won't be back for decades, or perhaps ever.  Why?  Because too many Powers-That-Be and Main Street people have ignored ecological principles for much too long.  They have failed to understand the importance of natural ecosystems, and the fact that natural Laws apply to humans.  Plus, too many continue to believe the ongoing pursuit of ever-increasing, perpetual economic and population growth will not further damage the biophysical basis of your existence.

"Too many seem to think the current extreme weather events on Earth are merely flukes, and soon will fade back to 'normal'.  Sorry, that's a false belief.  Unless you take significant action immediately, things only will get worse.  Such is not only in regard to weather, but also in regard to disease, soil, fresh water availability, the food supply, and clean air.  Wake up; you're in a crisis of unprecedented proportions.  Support those who are working hard to solve it; shun/boycott those who are not.

To make matters worse, you're still going to war with each other during the Eco-Crisis of the Ages.  I guess you figure:  the air is already so overloaded with greenhouse gases, more of that won't matter much at all.  Plus, apparently you believe that war won't affect the global cooperation necessary to address your ongoing, existential, and ecological threat.  That's the height of ignorance."
As a concerned human, I'll add the following---

For a few decades, I've been amazed at how voters continue to elect to crucial offices mostly those candidates (regardless of political Party) who essentially are illiterate when it comes to ecology and the decades-long Eco-Crisis.  I imagine there are many reasons for such a scenario, but surely the last three years or so have given the vast majority of people pause to reconsider.

Democrats and Republicans have had their shot, and they've failed.  The crisis we're in is, in large part, due to their policies.  Mega Biz also is largely responsible.  So are voters and consumers of junk.  Eco-overshoot reigns supreme.  If my grandkids are to have a decent future, everything must change.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...