Wednesday, November 8, 2023

"Minerals and Materials Blindness"

Here's another case of speaking Truth to Power:

Prof. Nate Hagens and Prof. Simon Michaux address the human predicament re energy, the economy, fossils, renewables, recycling, minerals, materials required, and the present & future.  It's highly informative and down-to-earth...and a must-see interview.

The following points are obvious to ecologists:
yes, we must get off fossil energy;  yes, we must transition to renewable energy; but Green infinite economic growth is an oxymoron.  Conclusion:  we must start to reduce economic throughput ASAP.  In other words, we must embrace degrowth if we are to survive and thrive.  Economic development does NOT require constant economic growth.  Many books and articles have been published which explain how such is done.

To put it another way, we must move from high energy use to low energy use.  A paradigm shift.  Because all the foregoing is politically unpopular, we are being told by the Powers-That-Be:  we can eat our cake and have it too, if we just "Go Green".  If you believe that, then please watch the piece at the link above.

If you can't (or won't) watch the entire interview, at least start it at about 45 minutes in and continue to about the 60 minute mark.  Just those fifteen minutes will show you why infinite economic growth must be abandoned.  And again, yes, we must "Go Green"; but it's folly to believe we then can still pursue infinite economic growth without catastrophic consequences to all life on Earth, including us.  Hagens and Michaux explain why with great specificity.  It's a dynamite discourse.  Most politicians would  hate it (if they ever bothered to see it).
Not only my opinion.  Be Well 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Speaking Truth to Power: Dr. Peter Kalmus

Spend 3.33 minutes and watch Dr. Kalmus speak Truth to Power.  What the Powers-That-Be are doing is "insanity".  [Perhaps it should be characterized as on the brink of insanity, or outrageously ignorant.  Whatever the case, it's extremely harmful to all life on Earth.]

In the USA, the Democrats are almost as bad as the Republicans.  The Dems talk-the-talk better than the Repubs, but rarely do they ever walk-the-walk.  Maybe when the Food Crisis gets worse (probably within ten years) they'll be forced to do so in high gear.

When Dems say they "follow the Science", they mean medical science, not ecology or climatology.  Too bad for us.  When everything continues to get worse, hopefully that will change.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...