Thursday, May 18, 2023

I don't know anything about this man, but...

 he's about 99% on the mark.

This short clip gives you a condensed view of the last 50 years of the U.S. Government's economic philosophy.  One of the best lines in the piece is:  "We've basically had the same President since 1982, & yes, that includes the Black one.".  [Relative to economics]  Amen.  

This is why for 50 years we've been experiencing the greatest transfer of wealth to the Upper Crust in all of human history.  The clip explains it to a "T".  It's the best 12-minute lesson in economics you'll ever experience.  It also clearly demonstrates why I keep saying:  except for a few social hot-button issues, it doesn't matter one whit whether Dems or Repubs are the majority in the Fed Gov't.

The remedy for all this is fairly simple in concept.  Vote the neoliberal politicians out of office.  Unfortunately, rampant propaganda in the USA (and elsewhere) kills any desire/will to do so.  A change is required, and it seems to me education is the key to launching such change.  [Perhaps better stated: "...the key to continuing such change."] So, whenever appropriate, start educating people.  Or, if you like the current system, then don't start.  Naturally, it's your choice.

If you really don't have (and can't make) the time to counter the neolib propaganda, then support outfits which do; or, at least suggest to people - when appropriate - that they might find such groups interesting.

Here are only a few of those outfits (in no particular order):
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, May 15, 2023

An Editorial Review from Online Book Club


Review of The Beginning of the Path to Human Extinction, and HOW TO GET OFF IT -

Unread post by Grace Lee Rose » 

[Following is an official review of "The Beginning of the Path to Human Extinction, and HOW TO GET OFF IT -" by Scott C. Haley.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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The Beginning of the Path to Human Extinction and HOW TO GET OFF IT - Notes on a Paradigm Shift is a book that focuses on the breakdown of ecological crises. These elements cause environmental crises, such as neoliberalism, overconsumption, and many more. Many people worldwide are aware of the ecological disaster that the Earth is facing. However, very few people are educated on how they might help the Earth survive and thrive. This book addresses potential remedies to the looming ecological problem with enough references to authoritative sources and research. Read Scott C. Haley's book for more information.

Many people are aware that the planet is in peril. This is not a debate over whether or not Earth will survive; it will. It does not take a genius to recognize and comprehend that the existence of the Earth is dependent on a communal solution. That is the subject of this book. This book investigates solutions to assist in the healing of the earth. The issue of environmental preservation is extensive. When it comes to the numerous ways in which the planet can survive, many aspects have been disregarded over the years. The bulk of us are well aware that human actions are to blame for the planet's deterioration. Some human activities that endanger the ecosystem include deforestation, environmental pollution, monoculture farming, and many others. I feel that many people are still unaware of the impact their actions have on the environment. Not only do people not comprehend, but many others in other parts of the world, particularly developing countries, are not educated on how to save the planet.

I appreciate how Haley took the time to explain the relationship of various life forms to the ecosystem and how these creatures help keep the earth operating. Haley does not only discuss human activities that are causing the extinction of several species. He also addresses concrete ideas that can help prevent human-caused environmental damage. Haley's detailed and elaborate depiction in this book addressed some aspects of environmental sustainability, such as how eco-ethics plays a significant role. I enjoyed all of the references in this book that the author included. For example, on page 49 of 173, after briefly discussing nuclear waste, the author invites readers to YouTube to gain a fuller understanding of the issue he previously mentioned. This makes the information in this book more conventional and intense.

Furthermore, there was nothing in this book that I found objectionable because I found myself agreeing with Haley's analysis. Reading this book taught me how to contribute to the earth's sustainability.

In addition, I found no errors in this book, which shows it was exceptionally edited. Thus, I rate The Beginning of the Path to Human Extinction and HOW TO GET OFF IT - Notes on a Paradigm Shift 5 out of 5 stars.

I recommend this book to individuals of all ages, young and elderly. This is because it includes strategies for every human to help Earth survive by lessening ecological crises through numerous approaches.

The Beginning of the Path to Human Extinction, and HOW TO GET OFF IT -
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