Thursday, May 2, 2024

War, ignorant politicians, Eco-Crisis, famine, and what to do

Various wars around the globe are making the Eco-Crisis worse and placing more people on the path to starvation. One billion people already are on the brink of famine.  

Meanwhile, ignoramuses like Netanyahu, Biden, Putin, a bunch of minor tin-pot generals all over, and others ("The Establishment", including Trump) would rather pursue WAR than global common sense.  After all, war is great for the private war-machine industry, and such is a boon to the almighty secular god - an ever-growing GDP.

C'est la vie in an ecologically ignorant world.  Overall, anyway.  Here and there are some strong pockets of eco-ethics.  People in those areas will have a somewhat easier time of it when the 100mph freight train hits...which will be in large and scattered areas (in the beginning) most likely within ten years (or so).  Many places along latitudes closest to the equator probably will be the first to experience forced, massive migrations away from the heat and failing crops.  [Either from selling their crops or eating them, HALF the world's families get most of their food from subsistence farming on less than one acre per family.  At the same time, only twenty-six Super-Rich individuals have more wealth than that HALF of the world.]  

But, HEY, let's keep pouring $$$ into war machines, and electing politicians who think nuclear war is do-able, and the polluting & killing resulting from conventional war is required, eh?  That will help the Crisis soooo much.  ðŸ™ƒ   [It's both tragic beyond belief, and hilarious in its total ignorance.]

So, what can we do?
1)  Stop drinking the Propaganda Kool Aid supplied by Oligarchs and their puppets.
2)  Be more tolerant of opposing views.  Stifle hate in yourself.  Hating each other is not helping anything.
3)  Stop electing to office those politicians who are divisive, or warmongering, or hateful, and lack compassion, civility, and statesmanshipWe need people in office who understand how great are the gifts of Mother Earth and humanity.  We don't need those who are bent on pitting one group against another, and who fail to grasp the sacredness of Earth.  Main Street is fed-up to the hilt with Leaders who have no integrity or vision.
4)  If you're short of knowledge in the following areas, educate yourself in the history of nuclear weapons, the principles of ecology, the history and/or the importance of nonviolent dissent, and Edward Bernays style propaganda.  [Yes, I know: that's a lot.  At least pick one topic:]
5)  Live an intentional, purposeful, peaceful life.  Don't be distracted by "bread and circuses", or consumerism and overconsumption.  Such only benefits the ruling Oligarchy.
Not only my opinion.  Happy Trails

Sunday, April 28, 2024

"Rattling The Establishment‘s Cage: Short Essays & Notes on Unorthodox Views of...

 Environment, Economics, Ethics, Politics, War, Spirituality, and More"

The hardcover format of my third book is now available.  Paperback version will be out within a few days.  I'll try to get the eBook up and running within two weeks.  This book contains many of the most-read posts from this blog.  Here's the book's Description on Amazon---  [there's a link below the Description]

My primary academic and practical interests in a relatively long life have been (and still are) in the subjects of ecology, agriculture, economics, politics, and ethics. For this third book - which is a fairly short and easy read - I've included secondary interests as well. See the book's subtitle for the additional subjects. Also take notice of the words UNORTHODOX VIEWS in the subtitle. For the most part, you will not find these ideas in the mainstream, corporate media. The "Establishment" seems to prefer to ignore such concepts. For example, are you aware of the following? Twenty countries (including the USA) have agreed to expand fossil fuel production for twenty-six more years. Details are in this book. Another example: Are you aware that in only the last thirty years we've used more energy than in the previous 150 years, and why we must transition from a high-energy-use society to one of low-energy use? You won't find that in the Establishment's public information output, but you will in this book.

For multiple decades, the Establishment (both public and private) has been wildly successful in influencing us to accept concepts, policies, and actions which favor the Upper Crust of society at our expense. But in the last ten years or so, everyday working people have decided enough is enough. Genuine change is in the Big Picture now, and education - both formal and informal - is the key. This short book can help to overcome the Establishment propaganda, and point the way to a sustainable and meaningful existence.

Many of these essays were written for a blog I’ve maintained since 2007,; others were penned this year, 2024, and are not on the blog as of this writing. All have been written by me (no A.I.),
 are some of the most popular on the blog, and all were edited for this book. Each essay is on its own page (some are two or three pages in length), and for context, I’ve included the year it was written.

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...