Saturday, January 28, 2023

Too Many Toxic Male Police in the USA

 Yes, the police often have a frustrating, dangerous job to perform.  Kudos to those who manage to perform it in a sane, responsible, and professional manner.  Unfortunately, too many don't.  They appear to be ruled by toxic emotions, a lack of ethics, and zero professionalism.  ASAP, they need to be weeded out of police ranks.  All this has been obvious for years.

From the get-go, the behavior of the police toward Mr. Nichols was utterly unprofessional and toxic.  Very quickly, it turned to criminal.  Then it became inhumane.  I don't care what Mr. Nichols did or didn't do, he never should have been treated in such a manner.

To all Police Departments everywhere:
Whenever you stop, detain, or arrest someone, that person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and must be treated as such.  You are not a court of law.  If a "suspect" argues with you, or struggles because he or she is afraid of you, or even runs from you, it is your job to resolve the situation in a humane, professional way.  You are not allowed to beat the person to a pulp.  If you can't handle those rules, then get out of law enforcement and stay out.

In this case, the two policemen who are pleading innocent to murder should have done everything possible to try and stop the beating of Mr. Nichols.  It appears they didn't try at all.

This overall, systemic problem in law enforcement must be dealt with immediately by all police administrations.  Toxic, bullying individuals must be kicked out and kept out.  A code of ethics must be rigorously implemented and enforced.  Failure in these matters is on the heads of those in charge of departments.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Ecological Ignorance of U.S. Presidents

It borders on insanity that common folks in the relatively free countries (out of 9 total***) which produce & own nuke weapons aren't persistently calling for a ban on such weapons.  Even a number of high-ranking military folks, such as retired Colonel Andrew Bacevich, have stated nukes are unnecessary for the defense of any nation.
[***Many more than 9 "host" (or endorse) U.S. nukes]

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists now have their "Doomsday Clock" set at 90 seconds to midnight.

All our recent Presidents are in favor of so-called "lower yield, tactical" nukes.  Obama launched a 10-yr program (continued by Trump & Biden) to expand and upgrade our nuke arsenal.  Such action demonstrates an ecological ignorance beyond comprehension.

On top of all that, more production of nukes means more nuke waste (which produces ionizing radiation for thousands of years).  The waste we have already is temporarily being stored at whatever site generates it.  That's been going on since the mid-1940's.  There have been big problems, and they continue.

Ike's "military-industrial complex" rolls on, and very few people seem to care, or maybe they feel there's nothing they can do about it.  Here's something you can do about it:  And here's part of why you should,
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...