Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Here's why Biden is in a pissing contest with Putin & Xi Jinping

This is not being presented as "fact"; I can't "prove" it to be true.  Being steeped in the scientific method of inquiry, I offer it as another untested hypothesis of mine.  Nevertheless, it makes sense.

1.  Having studied Joe Biden's 50-year voting record, it's obvious to me he's either a neoliberal, or a puppet (wittingly or unwittingly) of neoliberalism.  [He was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972, about a year prior to the first practical implementation of neoliberal economics via Pinochet in Chile.]

2.  Neoliberalism is failing all around the world, but still remains as the dominant political philosophy and economic system in most  democratic countries.  WHY is detailed elsewhere on this blog.  Without going into those details, here are two bare-bones, broadly stated reasons:  unrelenting propaganda; and challenges to the system are viewed as sacrilegious.

3.  The "American Empire" is in decline; it's on its last legs.  We replaced the old British Empire, and for some time now, we've been heading down somewhat the same path they took.  We'll still be around, just not King of the World (so to speak).  Again, WHY is detailed elsewhere; many articles and books have the details.  And again, in broad strokes, the reasons are political, economic (see number 2 above), social, ecological, cultural, and ethical.  It's an old cliche, but we really are disintegrating in a manner highly similar to the ancient Roman Empire.

4.  As Naomi Klein pointed out in The Shock Doctrine, when neoliberalism's failures start becoming apparent to Main Street, the Establishment looks for and promotes distracting shocks which engender misplaced PATRIOTISM.  Beating the War drums is a good shock.  Going to War is even better.  Promulgating false narratives about "enemies" also works.  It all causes Main Street to temporarily forget about inflation, economic insecurity, outrageous health care costs, the fact that our economy is booming for only the top 20% of income earners, the fact that the Middle Class still is shrinking, environmental pollution is rampant, eco-crises are not being dealt with sufficiently, and more.  Plus, it's all good for weapons-of-war manufacturers, who happen to donate big bucks to political election campaigns.

All the above explains why Biden is beating the War drums.  He's not the only one in DC doing it.  [A reminder:  I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  Also, Biden seems to be a fairly good/nice guy, and he's orders of magnitude preferable to Trump.  Nevertheless, he appears to be either ecologically and economically illiterate, or deceitful, just like most Establishment politicians.]  My best guess is:  the overwhelming majority of people in both the USA and the world would like the beating of those drums to stop.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...