Friday, July 22, 2022

"Paper Straws Are Not Enough..." - Necessary Precursors to Solving Our Existential Threats
George Monbiot is right on the mark.  "Only 'System Change' Can Halt Climate Crisis."

Paper straws, recycling aluminum, recycling cardboard, using cloth grocery bags, etc. are all well & good, but they are orders of magnitude short of what's needed to deal with Climate Disruption.  Furthermore, solar panels and electric vehicles are in the same boat.  A paradigm shift in economics, ethics, and worldview is needed if we are to survive and thrive in the coming years.

Keep in mind, too, the Climate Crisis is only one of the existential threats we're facing.  Worldwide toxic pollution of our environment, ecosystem damage/destruction by human activities, the threat of nuke weapons & nuke waste, overpopulation, ecological overshoot, and more all are part of our predicament.

Those who cling to neoliberalism are burying their heads in the sand relative to the existential threats upon us.  For at least 50 years, the deniers have ignored warnings from credible scientists as to the Crisis once looming, and now here.  Amazingly, even now they deny reality.  Unfortunately, many of them are in positions of power.  Thus no significant mitigation is taking place.  Lots of talk, but actions which amount to only tinkering around the edges of the problem.

It's time to face the music, as follows.  While micro scale mitigation efforts certainly are helpful, they will not suffice.  Technology alone also will not suffice.  The problems are systemic, and massive; thus, macro scale intervention is required.  It will take national governments and intergovernmental associations in cooperation with each other to tackle the crises in any significant way.  So, what can be done?  Following are a few suggestions for a start.

First, where (in the USA) is the written plan to transition away from fossil fuels?  I don't see one anywhere.  That transition won't happen by means of magic, and without a plan, most likely it won't happen at all.  Some Leader or group of Leaders needs to get the ball rolling, ASAP.  You may be thinking:  but not everyone agrees we need to make that transition.  True, but after about 50 years of warnings from credible researchers, if the deniers of the existential threats can't see the light by now, they probably never will.  We can't wait for them.

Secondly,  the cleanup at well over 1,300 Superfund toxic sites (scattered ALL across the country) needs to be put back into high gear.  High level toxic wastes are leaking into our water, and/or our air, and/or our soil.  Our previous disaster of a President essentially shut down most of that program.  What's happening under Biden?  Is the National Priorities List (NPL) of sites being addressed?  The former plutonium production facility at Hanford, WA still is the largest toxic site (586 square miles) in the country.  Cleanup there has been going on for about 30 years...and counting.  Dozens of other contaminated sites are waiting to be added to the NPL.

This next suggestion is similar to the first, but more expansive.  Where is the written plan to convert our Boom-Bust, highly polluting, unsustainable economic system to one of sustainability?  Along with that, are Fed Gov't contracts going "Green"?  Are there any requirements for sustainability?  Who, or which Executive Branch Dept., is coordinating this country's transition to a sustainable future?  Anyone?  If not, exactly what is the plan for that necessary transition?  Is there even a broad plan, or do our Powers-That-Be think the "Market" will accomplish the task?  [The Market didn't pull us out of the Great Depression of the 1930's, nor did it put men on the moon, nor did it heal the massive Dust Bowl of the 1930's.  Government management did those things.]

Finally, it would seem the Executive Branch is in need of some new appointees and/or advisors who are competent in the area of sustainability science.  The current crop of advisors apparently is perplexed by the existential threats we're facing.  They seem to believe that we'll muddle through without a plan, without consideration of biophysical constraints, and that the status quo somehow will save us from catastrophe.  [I'm sure at least a few departments have people who are educated in the natural sciences (beyond the high school level), but apparently they are being ignored, or they're at an administrative level with no access to the Executive, or both.]
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Start preparing your grandchildren to be subsistence farmers

My latest email (slightly edited) to family and a few friends is titled:  Biden could...but chances are, he won't.  Here's the text---
The above Report was put out earlier this year by the Center for Biological Diversity.  At least read a bit of the Executive Summary, starting on p. 3.  Biden (or any President) already has the emergency powers to mitigate climate disruption, but the probability is high he won't use them.  Here's why---

Joe & most of our politicians adhere to neoliberal economics, & that requires infinite growth or else the system collapses.  Growth of that type requires more & more energy.  In the last 30 years, we humans have used more energy than we did in the previous 5,000 years.  [Best estimate by scientists who study such things.]  Climate mitigation will require a reversal of that trend.  In general, our politicians can't face the music because doing so will risk losing re-election, and re-election is their primary concern.

So, again, start preparing your grandkids to be subsistence farmers.  Why?  Because it is only agricultural surplus which allows us to pursue any other vocation.  The cascading effects of climate disruption + long-term soil degradation & erosion + loss of available fresh water + toxic pollution of plants + global overpopulation + more & more expense to obtain energy + biodiversity loss + other factors sooner or later will sharply reduce ag surplus, & eventually eliminate it.  Once again, each family (or each community) will have to raise its own food.  The worldwide Food Crisis already has started.

Infinite economic & population growth in a finite habitat is not possible.  If we humans stay on such a path, in about 30 more years or so we'll need all the energy available just to extract needed energy from the ecosphere.  And that's at a growth rate of only 2-3% per year, which is what most countries are shooting for.  There are more sensible, sustainable options, but they require a paradigm shift in values & lifestyle.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...