Friday, December 1, 2023

U. S. Government's Lip Service to Climate Mitigation, and Planet Wreckers Report REDUX

According to the Center for Biological Diversity, the Biden Administration's actions re a new round of oil and gas leasing auctions could potentially "erase" any climate gains in the Inflation Reduction Act.  The USA is now the world's largest oil producer, and in 2022 66% of our oil came from the fracking of shale.  Often called shale oil, it's also referred to as "tight oil".  As you may know, drilling for it often has resulted in big problems (all of which usually are denied by the industry).

At the global level, we now have twenty countries (including the USA) planning to expand oil production for twenty-six more years
In addition, COP 28 (which started today) is being run by the CEO of one of the largest oil producers in the world.  Do you think there's any conflict of interest in such a scenario?  Seems likely, eh?

As pointed out previously on this Blog, we do need to use fossil fuels in the immediate future in order to construct and distribute massive numbers of Green energy gizmos and new electrical power lines.  I don't know for how long, but surely not twenty-six more years.

Is it not yet clear that the Establishment is on the wrong path?  And not yet clear that voters keep electing politicians to high office who favor consumerism over ecological principles?  If this whole business weren't so tragic, it would be laughable.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"Unseen Costs of Net Zero", Simon Michaux

To be clear:  YES, we do need to GO GREEN.  The Establishment and much of Main Street, however, apparently are not aware of exactly what it will take to do so.  They also seem to be unaware of the scale needed for such a transformation, and of the entire mining-minerals-metals situation.

The current thinking of most people who support a transition to Green energy appears to be as follows.  Here's what we'll do:
a)  get off petroleum and all its products;
b)  build a large number of Green energy gizmos;
c)  electrify all transport vehicles (personal and commercial);
d)  scale up nuclear energy, if necessary;
e)  recycle and reuse materials;
f)   increase energy efficiency;
g)  use carbon offsets and cap & trade to balance things out; and
h)  with all the above in place, we can continue the pursuit of infinite economic and population growth on our finite planet.
Sounds great, eh?!

But there's a massive problem (which The Establishment doesn't want to acknowledge), and here it is---

Infinite growth is not necessary for humans to thrive, and for the sake of all life on Earth, it must cease.  Do a Search for "CASSE top 10 policies for a steady state economy".  Read anything by Herman Daly.  Neoliberal/neoclassical economics is not sacrosanct.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...