Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Trumpican (or perhaps, Trumpzi) Party completely replaces the once honorable Republican Party of long ago


History repeats itself:  the 1939 Madison Square Garden political rally and the 2024 MAGA rally at the same location.  At both times, the hatemongers promoted their racism, xenophobia, and ignorance to an audience seemingly in general agreement.

Trump or Vance probably will claim that the MAGA rally shows massive support for their candidacy.  As pointed out in one of the clips above, here's the truth:  the number of people attending the Trump rally compose only two-tenths of one percent of the greater NYC population.  Two-tenths of ONE percent.

A short time ago, Trump falsely claimed that "...200 million people [in the USA] support me".  Such a claim is pure, unadulterated nonsense.  It's a blatant lie.  In 2016, he lost the popular vote by about three million; he became President only because of the antiquated Electoral College votes.  In 2020, he lost the popular vote by about seven million votes.  He also lost in the Electoral College.  Plus, it's completely plausible that in both elections some/many people voted for him only because they liked his opponent less.

In 2024, 244 million people will be eligible to vote in our national election.  Common sense tells me no one person has 200 million of those people as supporters.  In 2020, a record 66.6% of potential voters turned out and actually cast a vote.  Usually in this country, only a tad more than 50% of voters participate by voting.  All the above suggests many citizens are fed up with the sorry state of American politics.  Nevertheless, it's likely that this year's election will result in up to 70% of eligible voters participating.  One reason why is below.

Between 2020 and 2024, the Trumpican Party upper crust (not, in general, Main Street Trump supporters) has demonstrated even more of a shift to hatemongering, xenophobia, racism, divisiveness, misogynism, and fascism/authoritarianism.  The majority of our citizens abhor such a shift.  Many previously nonvoters likely will decide to join in and vote it down.  [If it isn't voted down, then USA politics is in a sorrier state than what I once thought.]
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...