Monday, June 27, 2022

Two Things: Women; and The Second Amendment

 1.  The anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive, toxic males who hold a majority on the Supreme Court have prevailed.  They essentially have told women:  you do not have the freedom of control over your bodies.  We do.  I easily can imagine them thinking:  that's how it should be...because you still are second class citizens.  After all, "God" made us first; then "He" took one of our ribs and made you.  That should tell you your place in human society.  We males are the Masters of the Universe.  We are the Kings of Humanity.  You are in second place. [Aii-yii-yii!]

On a certain day yet to come this year, I'll be eighty years old.  I won't be eighty years & nine months old.  It is obvious that abortion should not be allowed (with some exceptions) after an embryo of undifferentiated cells grows and develops into a fetus, which occurs approximately eleven weeks after the last menstrual period.  While an embryo, the group of cells appears no differently than does a group of cells from any number of other animals at the same stage of development.  It's a blob of undifferentiated cells.  Yes, it has the potential of becoming a human life; but it's not yet such.

Here's a thought:  human sperm also have the potential (in certain circumstances) of developing into a fully formed human; perhaps the toxic males on the Court should work toward making it more difficult for men to obtain a vasectomy.  Or, how about making masturbation difficult, or maybe a crime.  Oh, those poor dead sperm.  Oh, you masturbating murderers of spermatozoa. 😊  After all, the Bible says not to "spill your seed upon the ground".  [Oh lawdy momma!]
Ridiculous, right?  It's also ridiculous for the High Court basically to say to women:  you have no Constitutional right to have control over your body; that's up to each individual State.  No it isn't.  It's a natural right, and thus a federal matter.

2.  The Second Amendment consists of one sentence.  The first half of that sentence clearly states the purpose of the amendment.  "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State...".   Our Founders did not trust standing armies, so they promulgated a civilian militia... a well regulated militia.  The amendment had a military purpose.  The right to a weapon was protected so that a person could serve in the military.  It wasn't meant for mentally ill people, or children, or those prone to unwarranted violence.  It wasn't meant to make it easy for people during peacetime to acquire a stockpile of a gazillion rifles and fifty gazillion rounds of ammo.  This is not rocket science; it's simply common sense.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care  

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