Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Dr. Vandana Shiva: Tech Destruction of Agriculture & Natural Ecosystems vs. Agroecology

 Here's a genuine defender of Earth---

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frAjk-oiEeo (8 minutes)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwxOxQ1AOEg (28 minutes)

The second video is more wide-ranging, and includes topics such as:   "the Poison Cartel", why "310,000 [East] Indian farmers committed suicide", the egregious problems caused by Monsanto (continuing by Bayer, who bought Monsanto) and BILL GATES and OBAMA, the "war on cash", the IT industry, Davos, GMO plants, seed and water democracy, the Rights of Nature, "Oneness vs. the 1%", and more.

The first video is titled, "The Violence of the [Agricultural] Green Revolution" (whoever posted it gave it a different title on YouTube, so don't think you're at the wrong link when you first get there).  Over the years, we've mostly heard from the Establishment only the plus side of the "Green Revolution" of the 1960's and 1970's.  Nary a word (usually) about how that scenario ruined soil, plants, biodiversity, the nitrogen cycle, farming, water conservation, and more.  This short video corrects that situation.

Both videos discuss the tragedy/bane of industrial agriculture, aka, factory farming.  Such a practice negatively affects much more than farmland.  It impacts all ecosystems, Earth in general, human health, climate, biodiversity, and our social fabric.

Vandana Shiva has three academic Degrees:  the first was in Quantum Physics; the other two were in the Philosophy of Science.  More importantly, she has worked for about 40+ years in the field of ecology, and is recognized as a top-notch agroecologist.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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