Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Here's the only reasonable choice at the ballot box

Below is an email I recently sent my son, his family, and a few others.  It's slightly edited---
Sorry to hear you're under a heat dome.  It's a tragedy that as things worsen, most people appear to still continue with the belief that our society can hang onto biz as usual in terms of our way of living.

Within 10 years, 120 degrees will not be uncommon.  It may be worse than that if we don't start treating the situation as a genuine emergency.  The world's best scientists know what needs to be done (a couple hundred of them were cited in the References section of my first book), & close to none of it is being done.

Everything must change...ASAP.  Such is politically unacceptable, so politicians engage in Greenwashing, and tout their actions...
which are almost totally inadequate.

The best thing every voter could do in the political realm would be to vote for the Green Party.  Because of rampant propaganda (and the control the Republicrats/Demopublicans have over ballot-access Laws AND debates), that won't happen.
         In terms of policies & a Party Platform, the Green Party is head & shoulders above both the Repubs AND the Dems.  That's particularly true in the areas of environmental protection, economics, and foreign policy.  Be sure to watch this clip... (it's short) 
Dr. Cornel West (a brilliant philosopher & class struggle activist) describes the Dem Party to a tee, back then & still true today.  The Dem Party is a corporatist disaster.
[It's looking like West will be the Green Party's nominee to run for Pres. next year.  His political philosophy is equal to, or maybe even better than, that of Bernie Sanders.  Plus, he understands neoliberalism better than most national politicians.] 
Hang in There
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...