Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Problem and the Solution

The Problem---
While Leaders spend billions on war machines (never mind killing people and polluting the ecosphere with the wastes of proxy wars and war games), natural ecosystems, economies, and societies continue to unravel.
1.  FIVE banks now more or less have failed, not two.  [Due primarily to massive unrealized losses in the Bond Market.]
2.  Debt Bubbles continue to grow around the world.  [Total Debt now is more than 3 times the world's GDP.]
3.  The food crisis continues.  Literally millions of people are starving, many of them children.
4.  The U.N. has issued a final warning:  eco-crises (especially climate change) are not being addressed at the proper scale to prevent catastrophe.
5.  Extreme drought, extreme flooding in other areas, extreme storms, soil loss, deforestation, extreme temps, etc. all continue.  Meanwhile, new permits are issued for more fossil fuel extraction.
6.  Mass shootings are up, suicides are up, and the pandemic is still killing a few thousand people per week in the USA, which is more than in any other country in the world.
7.  Confidence in both political Leaders and Banks is at a very low level.
8.  Almost HALF the workers in the USA are either in poverty (12%) or on the brink of it (30%).  Not quite, but almost everyone else is living paycheck-to-paycheck.  Meanwhile, politicians claim our economy is "strong".  Right...for the 20% or so in the upper tier.
9.  The serial liar, Trump, is campaigning again in his normal style - whining.  Talk about "Old News", he's it.
10.  "Oil Man" Biden is showing his true colors with the Arctic Willow Project and Gulf leases.
11.  Despots around the world, who sense a peaceful grass-roots uprising, are cracking down even more on populations.
12.  Neoliberal propaganda still abides.
So my question is:  when will people start demanding a different path???
[It's a rhetorical question.]

The Solution---  [Pay particular attention to the blue Menu on the right side of the page.]
More later.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Thursday, March 30, 2023

The dethroning of the U.S. Dollar as the world's reserve currency has started

 It will be a slow process, but it's underway.

For one thing, China now has currency exchange agreements with 41 nations.  I thought it was about 20.  Ooops.

Some analysts believe it never will happen; others are convinced it's a certainty.  Time will tell.  I think there's no way it can be avoided.  Plan accordingly.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

This medical info is GOLD for your health

Important points:
1.  This doctor is a Podiatrist, and cites long-term scientific studies to back his claims.  In the clip above, notice why it is we've never heard of these findings.
2.  Note carefully the benefits of magnesium (Mg) to the heart, pain relief (including migraine headaches & chronic pain), sugar levels, sleep, neuropathy and nerve function, blood pressure, bones, and much more.  [Mg is the 4th most abundant chemical element in the human body.  It affects about 300 biochemical functions/reactions in us.]
3.  Note the types of Mg you should NOT take, and why.
4.  Note why 60% (or more) of us are grossly Mg deficient.
5.  Watch every minute of this clip.
6.  Whether you decide to take Mg glycinate or Mg citrate most likely will depend on the average condition of your stool (poop/scat).  Glycinate will not loosen it, but citrate will.

Chances are, we don't get enough Mg from our food and water.  That may partially explain why maladies are so rampant in developed countries.  In "conquering" Nature and instituting factory farming, we've decreased our nutrition and threatened our health.  [Never mind how we've polluted the ecosphere and mistreated animals with those activities.]

I was already taking Mg glycinate (for cervical spondylosis) when I just now stumbled upon this video.  It's a great find.
Not only my opinion.  BE WELL

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...