Thursday, August 18, 2022

Biodiversity----->Healthy Ecosystems----->Healthy Humans

Here's a nontechnical, concise explanation of the importance of biodiversity in maintaining healthy ecosystems, and how those ecosystems provide value to us.

The clip is only nine minutes long.
Biodiversity loss rivals climate disruption as an existential threat to humans for many more reasons than those covered in the piece at the link above.  Am working on a second book, tentatively titled "Biodiversity - the Bedrock of Human Existence".  Have barely started the journal research, but already I can see that biodiversity has deep and crucial connections to soil health, plant and animal health, and ecosystem functioning in general.  Plus, due to critical biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity's part in them, it helps regulate climate.  Everything is interconnected.

Unfortunately, I suspect not nearly enough people on Main Street grasp the significance of declining populations in the wild and ultimately, species extinction.  We're already in dire straits with this situation, and not doing enough to mitigate it.  More on mitigation at a later time.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, August 15, 2022

Better Than Nothing, But Falls Way Short of What's Needed NOW

Commentary on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) by two fellows at -

The IRA is a paltry start on a few (certainly not all) major problems.  For example, while boosting development of renewable energy, it also greatly favors fossil fuels.  Now there's an oxymoron, eh?  As to taxing the Rich Polluters, forget it.  Health care - paltry, paltry, paltry.

On a related note---
Just as bad, there are no significant, proposed legislative bills which address toxic pollution, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, and more.  They all are just as much an existential threat as is climate disruption.

On a separate note---
Yes, despite what the elites are saying, we are in a recession.  The last Jobs Report is being touted as proof to the contrary, but is anyone asking the following?  How many of those jobs are part-time?  How many are temporary?  How many are low-paying?  How many are some combination of the preceding?  How many workers have two jobs, and still can't get ahead of inflation?  Why not? Because the jobs are relatively low-paying and have close to zero benefits.

Then, too, consider this:  according to the U.S. Debt Clock, the median income here is a tad under $36K/year.  That means half our workers make LESS than $36K.  Half.  So, how is the economy surviving?  On DEBT, massive debt - national, corporate, and personal debt.  Total U.S. debt is now over $92 trillion.  Our GDP is under $25 trillion, and decreasing every second.  [See ]  All Bubbles (including Debt Bubbles) burst sooner or later.  The whole situation is unsustainable.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...