Thursday, June 8, 2017

Comey's Testimony - Wow!

Below is a copy of most of an email I sent to my son, other family members, & a few friends.
As to Comey's testimony---
1.  Regarding who's lying, Trump or Comey, The Don is the loser...Trump is's not even close.
2.  McCain sounded like a befuddled old man:
more than once, he referred to Pres. Trump as Pres. Comey; and more importantly, he couldn't seem to keep the difference between two investigations straight.  His questions were just bizarre.
3.  I'm not a fan of Comey's (or for that matter, some of what the FBI does---such as sometimes writing their own Search Warrants), but I'll say this:  after watching all 2+ hrs of his testimony, I'm convinced that in that particular matter he was professional, truthful, totally open, and did a bang-up job.  Compared to Comey, Trump has proven himself to be unprofessional, ignorant, clownish, & an unrepentant liar.  Why he's still in office is beyond my comprehension.

The Repubs most likely won't vote for Impeachment (although that's not guaranteed...I imagine many would rather see Pence as Pres.), but I still predict that Trump will be out before the end of his 1st 4 yrs.  The probability of that is very high.
Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...