Friday, December 15, 2023

WOW, "Beyond Growth": Jason Hickel on Capital, GDP, the Global North, EU's Green Deal, Economics+

[You may have to adjust it back to the beginning.]

Prof. Jason Hickel is a comprehensive, holistic thinker who grasps the value and complexity of the systems approach to problem-solving.  In this short talk (introductory remarks to a "Beyond Growth" Conference in Europe), he wows and inspires the audience with a concise no-holds-barred view of the human predicament and the best choices for moving forward.

As Hickel verbally unpacks multiple crucial issues in his rapid-fire delivery, I'm again reminded of how Europe (in general) is light-years ahead of the USA when it comes to sustainability considerations.  Here in my country (which I love & never would leave), it often seems as though the overwhelming majority of adults are mired in the dogma of infinite economic growth.  It's sacrosanct.  It's a given, never to be questioned.  It's a secular religion.  Such must change if our species is to survive and thrive.

On the bright side, I'm encouraged by the interest developing online in the ideas of not only Hickel, but also William E. Rees, Nate Hagens, Simon Michaux, Brian Czech, Vandana Shiva, Peter Kalmus, Joseph Tainter, Steve Keen, Giorgos Kallis, Dennis Meadows, Josh Farley, Patrick Ophuls, and many other natural and/or social scientists.  As more people become aware of planetary boundaries and biophysical issues, the better our chances of successfully navigating through the current, multi-pronged Crisis.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The ultimate refuting of...,

 "a rising tide lifts all boats" (once used to justify the high incomes and tax breaks for the Super-Rich)---

[Image is from, The Institute for Policy Studies.]

Looks like either some folks don't even have a "boat" to be lifted, or they're in a completely separate ocean, or both, eh?

I have nothing against anyone being Rich as long as they didn't shaft people to get there, and as long as they don't demonize or degrade poor folks, and as long as they act with integrity and compassion.  Not all Rich people are jerks or criminals; but some, based on their words & actions, certainly appear to be.  Trump immediately comes to mind.  :)

p.s.  For any new readers here, I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  In my intemperate youth, was a Conservative Republican until both were hijacked; then a bit later, a Libertarian (a few good concepts there, but too much belief in Corporatism).  Now, and for awhile, strictly Independent, often even apolitical.  There's way too much dogma and corruption across the entire political spectrum, almost completely closed-minded.  It's no wonder they rarely get anything worthwhile done.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

Monday, December 11, 2023

"Old School, the Vikings, the Realists/Community Preppers, and the Arcadians"

 From the mining engineer, Dr. Simon Michaux and the ecologist, Dr. Nate Hagens, four metaphors for the people of the world (all of us) as we face the ongoing socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis. 

The title of the video is "The Arcadian Blueprint".  In it, Michaux and Hagens offer specific details for a beginning of the transition to sustainability.  Basically, it's an introduction to Michaux's "resource based economy".  [I posted this link (but with different commentary) awhile ago, maybe a month or so.  The video is both entertaining and extremely informative.]

Which of the four metaphors (or what combination) applies to you?
Old School---
those who believe everything will soon get back to "normal"; it's okay, the Powers-That-Be are handling it; we'll muddle through; reductionist thinkers.
The Vikings---
those who take advantage of the disruption by "raiding" the economy and the ecosphere, grabbing whatever they can for themselves; little to no social conscience, or concern for future generations.
The Realists/Community Preppers---
those who see the Crisis, and are working toward fairly immediate, short-term solutions re energy, food, water, shelter, and economy for their family, often in concert with neighbors or the whole community.  [Note: this category does not include those few people who believe a bunker, rifles, hand grenades, claymore mines, and razor wire are needed for defense of the "compound".]
The Arcadians (as in ancient Greece)---
those with the wisdom to work for long-term sustainability, a thriving Earth for current and future generations; comprehensive, holistic, systems thinkers.
Be Well

"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...