Saturday, April 25, 2020

Latest Numbers of USA & World COVID-19 KNOWN Cases, and Deaths

Numbers below are as of April 25, 2020 at 3:30 AM, Mountain Time, USA

Known cases--- 927,000
Deaths--- 52,400 (over one quarter of the world's total)

One to two days ago, known cases were a bit over 800,000; deaths were close to 50,000.  The numbers keep going up.  Nothing has peaked.

Known cases--- 2.79 million
Deaths--- 196,000

The total number of known cases (and deaths) keeps going up.
Unless someone is talking about a relatively limited geographical area, anyone who claims that covid-19 has "peaked" is wrong.  It certainly isn't true for our entire country.  The numbers keep going up.
Not only my opinion.  Stay Well

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