Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Stunningly Beautiful

 "Legacy", a full-length documentary on Amazon Prime, and probably elsewhere online.  I would have titled it:  "Beauty, Energy, and the Human Story".  After a brief intro of the French documentarian's forty years of work involving the Life-Energy Cycle around the globe, it begins a narrative of Humans-Energy-Earth.  Aerial photography illustrates the story, and transports the viewer out of his/her Ego.  If the first twenty minutes or so doesn't grab you, your spirit probably has dried up and blown away.  [That last statement most likely is hyperbole, but it drives home a valid point:]

L  E  G  A  C  Y, well worth the watch.
Be Well

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The Establishment is smothering opinion diversity and any sort of dissent, even if peaceful

At universities and in government halls around the world, and especially in the USA and Israel, free speech is being egregiously suppressed ...