Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Climate Change & other eco-disasters are SYMPTOMS of ""THE meta-problem of humanity - ecological overshoot"

Prof. William E. Rees is one of the best comprehensive thinkers now on our planet.  In the short talk at the link below, he explains why the Establishment generally is on the wrong path regarding solutions to the ongoing Eco-Crisis.

For the most part, our public and private policy makers are dealing with symptoms of the Crisis, while more or less ignoring the meta-problem of eco-overshoot.  We humans are gobbling up resources faster than Earth can regenerate them.  In addition, we're filling up waste sinks (bodies of water, the atmosphere, etc.) with pollutants faster than Earth can assimilate & neutralize them.  Finally, our "solutions" to the Crisis are almost all in the framework of perpetual growth with more & more consumption.  This won't work; Rees brilliantly explains why not in the concise clip above.  [The first person you see merely is introducing the good Professor.]

If you truly wish to understand the path we need to be on, this video is a must-see.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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