Tuesday, November 15, 2022

More on Emergence, Synergy, & Complexity Theory, and Why Study of Them is Necessary to Avoid Total Catastrophe

The relevant video link is at the end of this brief essay.

Complexity theory is a relatively new approach to scientific inquiry, and is characterized by systems thinking, AKA, synthetic holism.  [The adjective here, "synthetic", refers to "synthesis" rather than "artificiality".]  The traditional method of scientific inquiry, analytical reductionism, has served us well (and continues to do so); however, it has severe limitations when it comes to analyzing complex systems, e.g., ecosystems or financial networks.

Any complex system has as a key component the phenomenon known as synergy - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  Thus, synergy produces emergent properties in the system, new properties not detectable by reductionism with its linear mathematical equations.  Emergence is nonlinear.  Emergent properties, the understanding of which is key to solving problems in a complex system, cannot be identified and dealt with by analyzing individual parts or the sum of those parts.

We must use reductionism where appropriate, but then go beyond it with systems thinking.  That's the best hope for avoiding total devastation regarding our ongoing socio-eco-econ-ethical Crisis.  For a brilliant visualization of emergence, synergy, etc., view the short clip at the link below.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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