Tuesday, May 30, 2023

"Oh-oh...who knew (???) besides UPS workers..."

Below is my latest email (greatly edited/expanded) sent to family and friends.


I hope they get a good contract without a strike.  99.9% of the multiple, multiple packages I get from Amazon per month are delivered by UPS.

This scenario is a good example of how Big Biz sometimes screws its employees in order to shift wealth to the Upper Crust.  Kudos to Main St. workers for fighting back.

Yes, companies should make a profit, no question about that; but making obscene profits harms society in the long run.  How/why?  Because such profits usually are the result of not treating workers fairly, cutting corners re safety (think Deepwater Horizon in 2010, among many other examples), damaging or destroying natural ecosystems (thus harming what sustains us), causing workers incredible stress re job security and a substandard living, and more.

All the above is one more reason why the USA is circling the drain in the sink of "glory days", and one more result of the Oligarchy getting more and more desperate as the so-called "American Empire" declines.  One possible solution to this particular scenario is to begin a long conversion of our economy to worker co-ops.  There's no good reason for workers not being the owners of a company.  A few such companies already exist here, and are doing well.  Some examples:  
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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