Friday, December 15, 2023

WOW, "Beyond Growth": Jason Hickel on Capital, GDP, the Global North, EU's Green Deal, Economics+

[You may have to adjust it back to the beginning.]

Prof. Jason Hickel is a comprehensive, holistic thinker who grasps the value and complexity of the systems approach to problem-solving.  In this short talk (introductory remarks to a "Beyond Growth" Conference in Europe), he wows and inspires the audience with a concise no-holds-barred view of the human predicament and the best choices for moving forward.

As Hickel verbally unpacks multiple crucial issues in his rapid-fire delivery, I'm again reminded of how Europe (in general) is light-years ahead of the USA when it comes to sustainability considerations.  Here in my country (which I love & never would leave), it often seems as though the overwhelming majority of adults are mired in the dogma of infinite economic growth.  It's sacrosanct.  It's a given, never to be questioned.  It's a secular religion.  Such must change if our species is to survive and thrive.

On the bright side, I'm encouraged by the interest developing online in the ideas of not only Hickel, but also William E. Rees, Nate Hagens, Simon Michaux, Brian Czech, Vandana Shiva, Peter Kalmus, Joseph Tainter, Steve Keen, Giorgos Kallis, Dennis Meadows, Josh Farley, Patrick Ophuls, and many other natural and/or social scientists.  As more people become aware of planetary boundaries and biophysical issues, the better our chances of successfully navigating through the current, multi-pronged Crisis.
Not only my opinion.  Take Care

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