Wednesday, January 24, 2024

MAGA should become MAMA: $50 TRILLION has been taken from Main Street

Mad about what?...trickle-down economics, that's what.

For a bit over forty years, the USA has encouraged/supported "trickle-down" economics.  It has been a resounding success...for the Super-Rich.  They mined the gold; and Main Street got the shaft.  There's nothing "Great" about such economics; but Trump thinks there is.

At the link above, a Time magazine article which explains all this is discussed/analyzed by Paul Buchheit, an economic justice author.  He does a great job in this opinion piece of showing how MAGA ignores the reality of the last forty years.

To put $50 trillion into perspective, let's compare the number one million to the number one billion in the framework of "time".  One million seconds (of time) = about twelve days, and one billion seconds = about thirty-one years.  As you know, the number one trillion = 1,000 times one billion.

Often the Upper 1% of income earners like to imply (or state outright) that they pulled themselves up the ladder of wealth by their own bootstraps (so to speak).  Taking the vast High Tech Industry as an example, let's look at what really happened.

In the beginning (the 1950's), High Tech development was funded almost entirely by taxpayer dollars via the Defense Department.  If it hadn't been for public money, which was massive for that industry, development would have been held back for who knows how long.  [Even today, significant government contracts are awarded to High Tech companies and other mega businesses.]  So, whose bootstraps?
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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