Monday, February 26, 2024

This peril goes way, WAY beyond the Trump danger

Our Trump problem is like a bothersome gnat compared to this.
Not only is democracy in peril, but so are social cohesion, cognition, a meaningful life, and Nature.  What's described here isn't only in the future; it already has started.  Politicians are doing little-to-nothing to get a handle on it.

The piece at the link above is about centralized A.I., augmented reality, networked tribalism, and how a few High Tech mega companies are using all that to mold the public mind.  It's about the Corporate Surveillance State manipulating the public into accepting something akin to neofeudalism.  If our "Leaders" don't decentralize A.I. as soon as possible, then it's highly likely Fascism (which is the Power of Big Biz married to the Power of the State) will rule societies all around the world.  China and Russia already are Fascist States.  More than likely, the USA soon will be (if not already) if A.I. isn't put on a short leash.  Only politicians can do that.  Even though they talk-the-talk, Big Biz won't do it. 

The danger of A.I. is not that machines will wind up killing us.  It's much, much more subtle a threat.  If you think you know enough about A.I., or if you believe it's all being handled, you're wrong.  If you have to watch this interview in stages, do so.  It will BLOW YOU AWAY.  Hopefully, you'll then be motivated to send the link to the staff of your political "representatives", and to everyone you know.  

The guy being interviewed, John Robb, is ex-military and an astronautical engineer, as well as a past consultant hired by numerous Fed Agencies on A.I. and network related issues.  He's been at that for about 30 years...and he's worried about all the above.  By the way, he's not all doom and gloom; his message winds up being positive (although, from an ecological viewpoint, a bit unrealistic in places).
Not only my opinion.  Be Well & Be Aware

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"Don't Believe Him"

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