Thursday, March 14, 2024

TEN reasons why Trump should be seen as UNAMERICAN...and more

1.  He has little-to-no respect for the U.S. Constitution.
[Source:  his own words]
2.  He admires dictators.
[Source:  his own words & actions]
3.  He doesn't believe in an independent Justice Department.
[Source:  his own words & actions]
4.  He has little-to-no respect for members of our military, especially those who had the extreme misfortune of being POWs.
[Source:  his own words]
5.  He has little-to-no respect for immigrants...except for (I'm            guessing) his grandparents and present wife (who were      immigrants).  He forgets how immigrants helped build the USA.
[Source:  his own words & actions]
6.  He has no statesmanship, and usually acts like a whining child.
[Source:  his own words & actions]
7.  He works to maintain a personality cult.  It's all about him, not    the USA (or the world).  Quote:  "I'm the only one who can save you."  ~ DJT.  Such is pure, unadulterated idiocy.
[Source:  his own words & actions]
8.  He manipulates his "fans" by means of serial lying and playing to their fears.  Trump is habitually dishonest & a truly negative,   sociopathic, vindictive person.
[Source:  his own words & actions]
9.  He has little-to-no respect for (or knowledge of) anything in            Nature, ecological principles, or conservation.
[Source:  his own words & actions]
10.  He's almost completely anti-democracy.
[Source:  his own words & actions]

Several polls show a majority of voters don't want Trump or Biden as President.  Here's one---
Here's another---

Someone referred to the upcoming election as "the evil of two lessers".  😏
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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"Don't Believe Him"

The Nazis in the 1930's and 1940's used exactly the same propaganda tactic as is used by Trump:  repeat a lie over & over, and m...