Sunday, June 23, 2024

Here's one reason Trump plainly is ignorant of crucial matters, and why HISTORY is important

NOTE:  I'm not in favor of Biden for President, either.

Showing his lack of wisdom and ignorance of economic history, Trump has floated a Trial Balloon proposal regarding the economy.  To be fair, I suspect not many people on Main Street are aware of this particular bit of history; but someone running for President should be aware of it.

A number of people have referred to DJT's proposal as:
the "worst economic proposal in U.S. history".

The clip is only twelve minutes in length, and I think quite interesting.  Everyone should try to catch it, and especially those who (for some baffling reason) continue to believe the almost constant stream of Trump's blatant lies.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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"Don't Believe Him"

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