Monday, July 15, 2024

Cowboys in Russia, Food, Water, & Geopolitics

The relatively short clip below (from PBS) should be a wake-up call for The Establishment in the USA and elsewhere.  It details much of the content of a new documentary, titled "The Grab".  The new doc delves into how some world Leaders are scrambling - in the shadows - to secure adequate future food and water resources for their people.  One reviewer called the film "an international thriller".

Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Wall Street Hedge Funds, and others are all involved in land (and water) "grabs", and in a fairly surreptitious manner.  Many of these resource acquisitions are occurring in North America and Africa.  The people doing the "grabbing" recognize that the Meta-Crisis is shrinking the availability of crucial resources, particularly water and food. 

We're not talking only about the Eco-Crisis here and the fact that arable, tillable, productive farmland is shrinking and soil is being degraded worldwide.  [Such is true even in well-off countries.]  In addition, groundwater aquifers on productive land are being depleted at unprecedented rates.  It's also multiple-continent supply chain problems, the worldwide financial fragility, social inequity, energy blindness, geopolitical rivalries, sanctions, war, and more which are creating the Food Crisis and the Water Crisis.

In the USA, much of the time it appears that the Powers-That-Be are mostly unconcerned about these matters.  For example, our elected officials seem to have this view:  The Market will handle any upcoming problems.  Human ingenuity will save the day.  As a result, our country has no national water policy and not even any sort of national water strategy.  China, Russia, and some other countries all do.

Natural resources everywhere are in trouble.  Ideology won't save them from disaster, but Science can.  What stands in the way?  Primarily it's myopic politics and politicians who are not comprehensive thinkers.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well
p.s.  Watch the video.  Cowboys in Russia, indeed.

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