Sunday, August 27, 2023

Toxic Male Energy...on Steroids

 in the forms of---

hegemonic petro-masculinity; hegemonic eco-modern masculinity (geoengineering, a la Musk, et al.); and more.
"Are Men Killing the Planet?"

One micro-example from the clip:  buy your own "rolling coal" kit for your pickup truck, which allows you to blow massive amounts of thick black smoke (while driving) onto hybrid cars, eco-protesters, & such.  [You have to see this to believe it.]  Ignorance abounds.

The macro-examples are even worse.
The System of Patriarchy literally is killing us and our habitat.

The Elites are panicking over a paradigm shift.  They're hanging on to fossil fuels and patriarchy with a death grip.
Not only my opinion.  Be Well

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